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Comment Re:Not this again. (Score 1) 637

The chair of my Computer Science department told my class in lecture that memory management is worthless these days, and that you no longer have to worry about the size of your program or the amount of memory it uses. I stopped giving a shit about my CS program immediately after and began to focus entirely on Electrical Engineering.

Comment "Just let me build a bridge!" (Score 5, Insightful) 372

Engineering any complex system requires a significant amount of planning and management overhead. When you want to build a bridge, you don't just throw a bunch of construction workers at it and trust them to make the best judgements, even though you might trust each one of them individually to build a sawhorse or something equally trivial.

Comment TSA (Score 2) 435

Obviously the solution is requiring passengers to go through TSA checkpoints before they are able to board or disembark from any driverless car.

But seriously, if these are concerns for driverless cars, they are concerns for regular cars too. It's not improbable to build a working remote-controlled car from any normal model anyways. It's regularly done for stun work, Mythbusters, etc.

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