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Comment And now, presenting his majesty, cold fjord... (Score 2) 461

Enough of this nonsense! We need these invasive spying programs so that we know what the terrorists are up to. I know you all like to live in a world of fantasy, where privacy and freedom are paramount, but this is the real world. When things like terrorism are on the table, it's time to put away the kids toys and talk like serious, mannered adults. A world where the government does not watch over our every move is unthinkable and completely unrealistic.

-- cold fjord

What is with you morons? Enough of this "privacy" talk; our very lives are at stake! How can you really expect to live in a world where the government does not know what you're doing? The government cannot possibly protect us from terrorism, or even revolution, if they do not see everything we do. Fortunately, it's only a matter of time until they can read our thoughts.

-- cold fjord

Stop! No more privacy! Privacy is a tool used by freedom fighters! Do you know what freedom fighters do? They fight against freedom! They're fuckin' terrorists! Get 'em boys!

-- cold fjord

The constitution is an enemy of the state, and should be treated like one.

-- cold fjord

Comment Re:Can't security be implemented in an application (Score 0) 362

Stop! Stop this immediately! Why do you want to hide your communications from the NSA? What do you have to fear? Nothing to hide, nothing to fear, I'd say! I'm not upset that the NSA is attacking these encryption methods. In fact, I'm glad they are! The NSA can do no wrong! If we didn't have the NSA doing this, we would be more vulnerable to terrorists than ever before! The terrorists! Think of the terrorists! The government can do no wrong! The terrorists!

-- cold fjord

Comment Re:Snowden the Defector (Score 3, Interesting) 237

Here he comes, cold fjord, the man himself!

Snowden and Greenwald are obstructing anti-terrorist agencies throughout the civilized world. Honestly, we should just lynch them. They're a disgrace.

-- cold fjord

Terrorism is a threat to the way we live our lives. We must give up our privacy if we want security (which we do, at any cost)

-- cold fjord

Fuckin' snowden piece of shit! How dare he do this! Snowden is fuckin' guilty as fuck! Kill him! Kill! Kill! Kill!

-- cold fjord

I'm gonna fuckin' kill Snowden, that fucking piece of shit fucker ass fuck shit ass fuck supreme fuck ass! GOD! He makes me so fuckin' angry! How dare he disobey me! Get him, boys!

-- cold fjord

Snowden is the worst thing to happen to this nation since the Constitution was formed and signed.

-- cold fjord

That fuckin' Snowden piece of shit! The government can do no wrong! The terrorists! Think of the terrorists, you fuckin' insolent insects! Give me all your privacy so we can stop the terrorists, you fucks!

-- cold fjord

Comment Re:Copyright notices in source files (Score 1) 120

Awe, aren't you a such a cool rebel! No, no you aren't, you're just a little kid trying to show us how you aren't conforming!@!@%!%#!#

What? So you're saying that the reason I don't include copyright notices inside my source files is...so that I can stick it to the man? That's not the reason at all. Those copyright notices at the top of source files are an eyesore, and I do not wish to look at them. They are not code, they do not belong in the source files.

Heres reality: You'll do what society demands, like it or not.

Really? Here I am, not doing what the unnamed group you've determined to be representative of all of society says I should. Therefore, you're wrong.

Comment Copyright notices in source files (Score 1) 120

They also imply it is entirely optional to actually note your copyright in your files, when it is really bad practice not to unless you really want to make it impossible for people to understand the copyright history when e.g. merging your code into another project.

I'm not going to shit up my code with copyright notices. I barely recognize copyright law as it is.

Comment Re:Petition (Score 1) 323

The practical result of crippling the intelligence agencies will almost certainly be more successful attacks in the future which can easily kill hundreds, or even thousands, of people per attack. I don't see how you aren't making that connection, or that you don't think it is a bad thing that should be prevented.

I'm not saying it's a good thing that terrorists are able to kill more people, but you are supporting a solution that strips privacy away from everyone. I cannot accept that solution.

Do you really see the lives of those hypothetical victims as more important than personal privacy?

Comment Re:Petition (Score 1) 323

Terrorists exist. They've conducted attacks in the past. They'll continue to attempt attacks in the future.

And? What of it? We all know this, so what is your point?

Crippling the intelligence agencies is a bad idea.

But why? The only reason you've left us with is that you're extremely afraid of terrorists and are willing to throw anything and everything away if you believe it will help stop them.

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