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Comment Even I find this outrageous. (Score 2) 1199

While I hate tobacco with every fiber of my being. It killed my grandfather, and my cousin's on his way there too. Not to mention I'm allergic to it and with enough exposure to tobacco smoke I start sneezing, getting a sore throat, etc.. I find this a complete and total violation of a person's rights. Fine that they don't smoke around me, or at work. But they should be able to smoke as much as they want in their own privacy.

Comment What's so bad about this? (Score 1) 646

A FOSS Operating System such as ubuntu needs $$ to maintain its quality, like it or not. You can download it for free, and you can even play around with the source code. You get what you pay for. Plus, if enough revenue comes in through ubuntu, Amazon will take note and if future commercial relations happen between them, that could only mean a rise in ubuntu's (and by extension linux/gnu/FOSS) popularity. Ubuntu-powered ebook readers anyone?

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