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Comment Re:Jumping ship from IE? (Score 1) 235

I'm not sure I know anyone who uses IE who even knows that Chrome exists.

That's not the point. (also, there are Chrome billboards everywhere here in the city) This is the point:

Bank of America has apparently recently added Google Chrome to their list of officially supported browsers.

I called this! On Slashdot!

Also, you can phone up your bank, if their site's not working for you and scream:
and they'll get with the Google.

(In a Chrome OS topic, but still)

Comment Re:A different view from a developer (Score 1) 398

Well, Rogério Brito,


I am not a developer, but I do care. I do know about the "incestuous" relationships of the media playing libraries in the OSS world. I do know that having one alternative less is a bad thing, especially in the long run. I'm also very grateful for LAME and don't "wish the death of" any one of the projects you mentioned.

I do provide feedback to OSS developers, hopefully in the form of constructive suggestions. Maybe not media related ones, as that isn't my forté, but others. I've petitioned daringfireball to bring some attention to the matter. He reaches a lot of Mac devs. I think I'll try that Delicious Monster guy next.

My post above was not about dancing on the grave of the traffic cone, but to provide a service to the community: to share with other people an alternative way of playing media well that they may not know about, as I have only recently (re-)discovered Mplayer OSX Extended.

I guess that what I meant to say to you is: "Don't shit all over people you don't know and have only read one sentence of."

Signed, "user like the one above"

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