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Comment Re:We dropped 2 atomic bombs on Japan. (Score 1) 522

In no way did there's a hero. If you want to insist on a "sleeping bear," and that's important, OK. Hamas made an action and that action caused Israel to react in that situation as they have reacted. I'm not talking about previous deaths, or "who's at fault." It's very meaningful to say, Israel is the greater aggressor. I agree with you. The problem is Israel doesn't care about that. they care about their sovereignty and will use war and death to defend it. I'll be the first to say I'm not a policy expert. But I wasn't surprised by Israel's reaction to what Hamas did. Were you? Was anyone? I'm arguing that standard human reality is generally put aside in war. Then the warring powers speak to the press and try to soften it for everyone and do what they can to make horrific death palatable. I'm not defending Israel or Hamas. I'm simply saying war is hell, and you do everything you can to win, within whatever context you are fighting. What would you do, if you were Israel in the same situation, if you were responsible for guiding the military? That's a pertinent question. Horror of war is a given. That's my basic argument. I'm not arguing for an absolute "sleeping bear." Note, I never said sleeping.

Comment We dropped 2 atomic bombs on Japan. (Score 2) 522

Hamas poked the bear. War is hell. If Google shouldn't have contracts with governments that participate in massive killing attacks on various populations, then they shouldn't have any contracts with the US Government, or many governments. Are protestors going to stop this war? Maybe, but probably not. However, they are not going to solve war in general. I don't want war any more than anyone else, but if we just look a little backwards in history, prior to the advent of nuclear bombs, we were killing each other at alarming rates, evil as it may have been. Only the nuclear bomb, with it's offering of "no one wins," has held humans back just enough to avoid large hot wars since WWII. If businesses cannot do business with Israel because of this particular one-sided bloody war, then we should be philosophically consistent across the board, and disallow business with any and all warring nations.

Comment No matter how good AI gets, some won't accept it. (Score 1) 72

Some people here obviously have not spend significant time investigating what ChatGPT can do for them. It's obvious to me that some are reasoning from scant evidence that they hold as to the lack of ability they believe ChatGPT offers. They can make simple rejecting sentences while tech giants are investing billions upon billions into AI. But go ahead, cling to your humanity. We're smart; we know things. Don't worry. You're fine.

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