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Comment Re:Model 100 (Score 1) 231

I was visiting San Luis Obispo, CA last week and saw a guy sitting in a coffee shop typing on a Model 100. I still have one in my garage. I need to see if it works (my dad left batteries in and they leaked). I new reporters who loved them: instant on, compact, quiet typing.

Comment Just say "no" (Score 1) 111

No thanks. Not going to try Fedora 16, ever. I am staying with Fedora 14 for the next few years. Maybe then I'll evaluate the state of desktop interfaces and see if anyone has come to their senses and stopped trying to foist some hipster-designed tablet interface on us. I have work to do with my computer, thank you very much, and that abomination known as Gnome Shell will not allow me to do it.

Comment Re:More time? (Score 1) 294

You need to be modded up to +100. I could not agree more. I plan on running Fedora 14 until long after its expiration date. I refuse to run that tablet interface known as Gnome Shell and I don't see a usable alternative right now.

You will get my Gnome 2 when you pry it from my cold dead hands.

Or something like that.

Comment Re:Clean Power (Score 1) 1049


Also, CFLs will not work with dimmers, nor fit in all enclosures, nor work with all lampshades. They are not a direct replacement for incandescent bulbs. I use CFLs where I can, but still need incandescent bulbs. LED bulbs also have similar problems with the added problem of the light tending to be too directional.

I'm all for a more efficient light bulb to replace the venerable incandescent bulb. CFLs are just not it.

Comment Re:different desktops for different people (Score 2, Insightful) 828

And you are not doing these people any favours by telling them they should use some other environment instead, because if Gnome is 95% perfect then KDE, Xfce, Blackbox, etc. will all be worse for them.

Too bad that +5 is the highest moderation you can get. I think this one sentence sums up the situation better than all of the other posts I have read. I, too, am a Gnome user and do not like the direction it is going. The two most common scenarios I see are:

  1. A Gnome user complains about the direction Gnome is going and is told by the developers that

    sorry, but you are not the target user.
    Their target user appears to be someone who has never used a computer before — basically, no one who has been using Gnome since the beginning.
  2. Someone complains about Gnome in a public forum and is told

    if you don't like Gnome, use KDE.
    If I had wanted to use KDE, I would. KDE thinks that if 5 options are good, then 100, poorly organized, poorly documented options are that much better. I detest KDE.

So where does that leave us, the dispossessed Gnome users? I wish I knew.


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