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Comment Re:Have the Germans threaten to invade (Score 0) 699

France did surrender. The rest of the allies expected the government to detach to North Africa and continue the war from there. Instead they surrendered and more french troops fought for the Axis than they did for the Allies. Hitler had expected the invasion of france would claim a million german casualties, but he faced a demoralised army and took paris in six weeks with less than 50,000 dead or missing.

The French ministry of defence figures that around 200,000 military deaths during the whole war, including metropolitans and colonials, as well as resistance fighters; a fourth to a third of their casualties occured during the Battle of France. While the French can certainly claim to be a warlike people that has many times destroyed its neighbours, during World War II they fought poorly and surrendered promptly.

Comment Re:Bikes lanes are nice (Score 1) 213

The fastest ever individual stage over 10km on the Tour de France was 33.90 MPH, set by Greg LeMond in 1989 during a 15.3 mile time trail from Versailles to Paris. His bike was a steel-frame Bottecchia with custom handlebars on a single 52x12 gear. LeMond himself was 28, in his top shape, and -- some say -- full of EPO. The roads were closed to normal city traffic. Now, no doubt you can sprint to more than that on a downhill and drafting behind a lorry, but it stands that "[n]obody does 30mph on a bicycle in a city, most certainly not weaving between anything. That would be suicidal and require fantastically exceptional fitness."

Comment Re:Ellsberg got a fair trial (Score 1) 519

I think most people who support Snowden don't think he's guilty as you do. You insist he commited a crime, and you claim that it is a fact. The facts, though, are that he revealed classified documents to the public, and not that he commited treason under the Espionage Act of 1917. Amongst the people who revealed classified documents and then were tried under the act, most (like Manning) were found guilty, but Ellsberg was not. Further, the supreme court has never discussed the constitutionality of prosecuting whistleblowers under this act. Legal precedent is mixed and Snowden's guilt is far from settled. I'm quoting the friggin summary here:

More importantly, the current state of whistleblowing prosecutions under the Espionage Act makes a truly fair trial wholly unavailable to an American who has exposed classified wrongdoing. Legal scholars have strongly argued that the US supreme court – which has never yet addressed the constitutionality of applying the Espionage Act to leaks to the American public – should find the use of it overbroad and unconstitutional in the absence of a public interest defense. The Espionage Act, as applied to whistleblowers, violates the First Amendment, is what they're saying.

Comment Re:"Enough protein" (Score 5, Informative) 499

The CDC recommends 56g of protein for adult males, and 46 for females. The British Nutrition Foundation's RNI is 0.75g per kilogram of body weight. Proteins in diet provide essential amino acids which cannot be synthesized by our organism. Most people get more than enough protein, but getting too little is very very bad. See also. Now show us what you've been reading.

Comment Re:Europe, here I come! (Score 2) 77

Denmar, Norway, Iceland, and Greece all have a state religion. Spain, Portugal and Ireland, though without a state religion, give legal privileges to the Catholic church (Finland has a similar relationship with the Lutheran Church of Finland and the Finnish Orthodox Church). The UK not only has a state religion, but the Head of State is also the Supreme Head of the Church of England. North of this line, the climate sucks. South of that line, trains don't run on time.

Comment Re:Won't work (Score 1) 342

Batch orders are seemingly a good idea. Several markets operate in an auction style batches, where each participant presents their schedule (a list of possible prices coupled with an amount to buy or sell for each price) and at set intervals a computer determines the price and quantity that clear the market. We have algorithms that do this in a utility-maximising way, but it is definitely more effort on the part of the traders. Electricity exchanges are the only ones I can think that use this method. APX, for example, does this for day-ahead UK power trading.

But you don't actually need auctions for this to work. You can use a similar public-outcry method (just like in the NYSE) but separated by breaks. The London Metal Exchange does this in its trading sessions. They are split up into 5 minute intervals, each of which can only be used to trade one particular metal. It's pretty cool to watch.

Both these markets are very liquid, so I doubt splitting up the trading day of even the busyest exchanges (NYSE, NASDAQ, LSE) would cause any perceivable damage to the market's fluidity.

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