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Submission + - Which is Bigger - Kim Kardashian's Ass or Comet 67P? (

DavidGilbert99 writes: It is a question for the ages, but there is one clear winner in the battle for the hearts and minds of internet users between this week's two biggest stories — the unveiling of Kim Kardashian's naked form in Paper magazine (which promised to "break the internet") and the landing of a washing machine-sizes spacecraft on a speeding comet over 500,000,000km from earth...

Submission + - Why Find my iPhone Didn't Help Get My Smartphone or Laptop Back (

DavidGilbert99 writes: An article in The Verge this week told how Apple's Find my iPhone features works to help recover a stolen smartphone. And while in that particular case it may have, that is not my experience and a disconnect between technology and the police mean the usefulness of the feature is very limited

Submission + - Mac and Android Users Charged More on Shopping Sites Than iPhone and PC Users (

concertina226 writes: Computer science researchers from Boston's Northeastern University have proved that e-commerce sites are tracking the online shopping habits of people and will charge individuals different prices, depending on what type of device they are using to access a website.

300 participants ran product searches earlier this year on the websites of 16 big US and international retailers, online travel agencies and car rental companies.

Their search results showed that retailers like Home Depot, Sears, JC Penneys, Macy's, Cheaptickets, Orbitz, Priceline, Expedia and Travelocity have been charging higher prices to users on Macs or Android devices, and some retailers had been giving out secret discounts to users on certain devices.

Submission + - CryptoWall Ransomware Infecting Visitors to Major Websites like Yahoo, AOL and M ( 1

DavidGilbert99 writes: Up to three million visitors to some of the web's more popular websites — like Yahoo, AOL and — are being put at risk of being infected with the pernicious ransomware known as CryptoWall through malicious advertisements, with the criminal gang behind the campaign thought to be raking in $25,000-a-day

Submission + - 64% of All Emails Opened on iPhone or iPad (

DavidGilbert99 writes: New research shows that Apple's mobile devices dominate the email landscape in the UK, with 46% of all emails opened there being done on an iPhone with a further 18% on iPad. Despite Android being the dominant smartphone market leader with a 60% share, emails opened on Google's mobile operating system fell by a huge 31% between 2013 and 2014.

Submission + - Why Has There Been No Leaked iWatch Pictures? (

DavidGilbert99 writes: Leaked iPhone 6 pictures? Sure, there are dozens available. iPad Air 2? Yep, we've got a few of them too. But iWatch photos? Nada, Zip, Zilch. Zero. The reason? This is a new Apple product and even though there has been a lot of talk about it, very few people are likely to know what it looks like, unlike the iPhone 6 which is already in mass production in factories across China.

Submission + - Tor Project Will Only Grow if Google, Facebook or Twitter Take it On (

DavidGilbert99 writes: The popularity of Tor is growing with the anonymity network having up to 2.5 million people using it at any one time, but as it get more popular, the foundation set up to over see its development struggles to cope. And that is why the executive director of the Tor Project believe that only a company like Facebook, Google or Twitter can take it on and make it mainstream

Submission + - Researchers Show Malware Can Hack Gmail App With 92% Success Rate (

DavidGilbert99 writes: Researchers will publish a study on Friday which claims that apps on Android, Windows Phone and iOS are all vulnerable to a previously unseen attack vector, which can steal sensitive data like login details, credit card numbers and even pictures. Shown working on Android, the attack was successful in stealing login credentials of the Gmail app 92% of the time.

Submission + - An Ad-Free Internet Would Cost Everyone £140-a-Year ( 2

DavidGilbert99 writes: Research suggests that if we wanted to live in a world without pop-up ads for penis enlargement tablets, then it would cost everyone $230 per year. So how many people would be willing to stump up this kind of cash? Just 2% of the population apparently...

Submission + - Why Apple Is Not Suing Xiaomi - Yet (

DavidGilbert99 writes: Apple is still a relative new-comer to the Chinese market. In this market Xiaomi is now the biggest player, while Apple's isn't even in the top five smartphone vendors. Add to that uncertainty about enforcing patents in China, as well as a lack of detail about Xiaomi's own patents,and it is easy to see why Apple may not be willing to rock the boat — though that could all change if/when Xiaomi expands beyond China

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You can bring any calculator you like to the midterm, as long as it doesn't dim the lights when you turn it on. -- Hepler, Systems Design 182
