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Submission + - Intellectual property Huawei's last line of defense (

ericjones12398 writes: "Huawei’s sordid intellectual property past has caught up to them. After nearly a decade of IP property theft accusations from networking gear rivals, last week’s House Intelligence Committee’s report labeled Huawei a security threat and urged U.S. companies to steer clear of the Chinese telecom giant. Now a champion of Chinese patent reform, Huawei may not just be banished from U.S. soil, but forever victimized by its nation’s dirty IP reputation."

Submission + - WIPO battens the hatches against Pirate Party innovation (

ericjones12398 writes: "The United Nations agency devoted to intellectual property has excluded the Pirate Party from attending its meetings. The World Intellectual Property Organization isn't objecting to PPI's goals of innovative intellectual property reform but will delay admission while WIPO considers just what kind of organization the PPI really is."

Submission + - Take a closer look at the USPTO's shortcomings (

ericjones12398 writes: "Government, industry, and academia alike recognize increasing difficulties for the patent system. This article introduces a series examining major operational difficulties faced by the United States Patent and Trademark office, the governmental agency responsible for administering the patent system."

Submission + - To get a patent, an invention must pass two legal tests to check that the idea i (

ericjones12398 writes: "The government issues patents to protect inventor rights and promote the spread innovative knowledge. For the system to work, only new ideas can be patented. In the US, this means that an invention cannot be described in prior art, nor can it be obvious to an individual skilled in the art."
The Military

Submission + - DARPA's new super binoculars improve threat detection (

ericjones12398 writes: "According to a statement from DARPA, "CT2WS was built on the concept that humans are inherently adept at detecting the unusual." Essentially this belief, which has been extensively studied by cognitive scientists, deals with how humans filter extensive amounts of data so that situational awareness can be maintained even in "noise" heavy environments."

Submission + - Sherbrooke scientists have a new tool to target tumors. (

ericjones12398 writes: "Researchers have devised a new type of radiation treatment — one that promises the holy grail of zero entry dose radiotherapy — by using very short bursts of high energy laser light. In this case, “very short” is an understatement, with pulses lasting femtoseconds – i.e. one-thousand-million-millionths of a second."

Submission + - Pisces vs Tor: Improved onion routing using Facebook & social media validati (

ericjones12398 writes: "Imagine a future where Facebook could actually help you become more anonymous online. Where the more people you connect with online, the safer you are. Where your vast social network acts as a cushion between you and malicious users. If the team behind Pisces has its way, this unlikely scenario could actually become a reality."

Submission + - Recent online content controversies raise questions about online accountability (

ericjones12398 writes: "The responsibility of third-party providers to police their own content has been a hot button issue of IP law for as long as there have been such providers. Copyright holders demand that their copyrights be enforced. Third-party media providers claim that it's not their job, or at least that they can't be reasonably expected to police every piece of content that gets uploaded."

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