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Comment Re:I'm so torn (Score 1) 387

And YOU need to learn historical context.

The platforms for the RNC and DNC switched in the 1960s over civil rights. The Dixie Democrats ran from the more progressive part of the DNC and into the waiting arms of the white elitist RNC when the progressives in the DNC made civil rights a part of their platform.

From what state did the senator who did that filibuster come? West Virginia.

What party represents that state in general? Capito (R) and Manchin (D).

And before you claim they're 50/50: Manchin represents the old sort of Dixie Democrats that the other southerns states used to be -- the kind that were progressive for almost anything EXCEPT when it came to giving equal rights to non-whites.

Comment Re: Fer Chrissakes... (Score 1) 452

You're comparing apples and oranges.

For most countries, if the crime is illegal in BOTH the country where you reside AND the country affected (like in this case with Assange) then most countries are extradition agreements to allow you to be punished for that crime.

So it doesn't matter that Assange never came to the US to illegally access any computer system. The two counties have treaties that allow for extraditing someone being indicted between countries.

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