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Comment Re:There, fixed that for you... (Score 1) 42

If you're broke, well, you're screwed, basically.

Right? Even if you're a prodigy, the loans can ream you without scholarships or grants -- and even those are under heavy competition. It irks me that some students a lot of students rank in the "your parent(s)/you make too much" and "your parent(s)/you make too little" -- this being a Venn diagram and they're at the intersection, which makes them easy prey for predatory lending; thereby, they hope to get a good enough paying job afterwards to cover the loans or never get through paying them off.

This smells like the works of Thomas Jefferson and Fur Traders, whereby you become indebted, and are enslaved to the system. And now, you ask what do you give up when you can't repay those loans: entrepreneurship, unable to buy a home (to build any equity), unable to invest (to gain dividends), you skimp on pro bono work, vacations are a dream, you're desperate so ..., wages are stagnant (because owner's equity comes first because they too have loans), etc. Find someone whose liabilities are less than their assets and equity, and you've found a 1%

Comment Re:Welcome to our new echo chamber (Score 1) 57

Microsoft needs to go back to making money by selling products that people want instead, of chasing the advertising dollars.

Microsoft Windows 365.

And it has come full circle. Again, you'll be logging on a dumb terminal/thin client to get access to the mainframe. The PC is no longer personal with DaaS

Comment Re:Robot Reading Scripture? (Score 2) 55

There are plenty of examples in the Christain world of DVD/Video/Tape-led prayer sessions. So putting a dedicated device in a place of prayer isn't that crazy of a concept.

Now why anyone would want to spend $500/mo for something a tape recorder could handle is a different question.

The whole premise of both this and the robot are very insensitive. They can't be bothered to attend service with the bereaved? I'd take my business elsewhere.

Comment Hawking Radiation (Score 1) 92

Certainly, Hawking Radiation -- which has been theorized -- is created from the disintegration of matter. The weird part is trying to think up a particle that is massless and can escape; an electron has mass, as does any other fundamental particle so we get into weird matter -- muons, gluons, quarks, etc.

I personally think that dark matter is just the weird matter exhausted by the "furnaces" within stars and especially black holes. It, having no mass or doesn't interact with the electromagnetic spectrum, is undetectable except through indirect observations.

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"It may be that our role on this planet is not to worship God but to create him." -Arthur C. Clarke
