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Comment Re:How about tabs in the same window? (Score 1) 186

That's how it works in opera: anonymous tabs not windows (but you can put the tab in a separate window if you want to).

As a web developper, I often use this to have several sessions with different users on the same website.

You can also close all private tabs without effecting your non-private ones with [Ctrl] + [Shfit] + [Q].

You can even assign any of the actions related to private browsing to a mouse gesture or keyboard shortcut in Opera -> Settings -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Shortcuts.

Comment Re:Why so difficult? (Score 1) 224

Because things change between them.

"sizeof int" will return "4" on 32-bit and "8" on 64-bit... When working with pointers (Variables that "point" to memory addresses), you need to make code that can handle these changes appropriately, and to change size-dependent operations so they handle multiple architectures.

Comment Re:Click to play plugins? (Score 2) 137

Yeah, I wonder how long other features like Speed Dial, or Tab stacking will last before someone copies them.

I wish that people knew where all of these fancy features are coming from, that way Opera would have more funding to innovate. They certainly haven't slowed down since they created tabbed browsing eons ago...

Comment Re:Yet another YOTLD estimate (Score 1) 363

I don't mean the ideal, but rather, the functionality that comes from it. Closed source can be functional as well...

I don't mind if the software I use is open source or not, provided I can do what I like with it.

Open is nice, but avoiding "closed but functional" is not really something I can see myself doing.

Comment Re:Yet another YOTLD estimate (Score 1) 363

That is a pretty good imagination you have.

Every linux user I know is pretty happy about this.

I can't say I am... I use Linux not because of the ideology behind GNU, but rather because I have so much more control over my system and I find myself much more productive in it.

I have no problems with Steam or Valve, so long I can both use the OS I rather and be able to play good games on it.

It's not like the FSF ideal is going to go away when Steam hits Linux, there will always be the option to ignore it if it doesn't suit you. All people do when they try to push back is limit the choice of other people who may not share the same opinion.

Comment Re:more privacy oriented Bing search engine (Score 1) 266

I don't mean the bang command, I mean the literal character... You can search special characters in DuckDuckGo, ones that are ignored by other search engines...

For ":wq" that would search up the literal string ":wq", which is the Vi command for Writing and quitting, on Bing though, it ignores the ":" and only searches up "wq", so you get results like the Wikipedia article for "Water Quality" and other acronyms that it could stand for.


Comment Re:I left Linux for OS X... (Score 1) 867

Interesting, I wonder the correlation between Gentoo and OS X is? They are polar opposites.

I went
OS X -> Gentoo -> Arch -> Ubuntu -> Mint

Gentoo was just fun though since it was installed on an iBook (Old-style Macbook) with an INCREDIBLY FAST 500MHz PPC processor of raw power! (Because OS X broke)

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