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Comment Re:Fake Quantum. (Score 1) 37

I'm pretty sure you're misapplying this. Either that or misunderstanding things. First, you have to realize that research on quantum theory is currently ongoing. Thus, it's likely that what you know of it will be changing. With that said, I think the best way to approach this is to see what is proven by what stuff is made due to that knowledge. For example: Solid state hard drives are a product of quantum tunneling. They're basically RAM with a spot third spot that requires quantum tunneling to modify. This is so the information can be stored even when the device is powered down.

Comment Fear of AI just sad. (Score 1) 205

I find people getting scared about a robot uprising silly at this point. The mind is incredibly complex. The closest that can be done to reproducing it is limited in a lot of ways. I'm a lot more worried about a bug popping up in something like an airplane causing a crash then AI overlords. illustrates how silly the idea is. It's a lot more unlikely because a lot of the devices shown aren't connected to the internet. In the end my biggest worry would be society having problems because of how reliant we are on computers. Even then it would be fairly challenging completely compromise the whole internet just because of how much of a patchwork the internet is set up. Different hardware setups with different software versions. The simplest way of course is through tricking people but that wouldn't do it for everyone. Basically it would be possible but fairly challenging because of everything involved.

Comment Re:MECH WARRIOR (Score 1) 56

It all really depends on the sensors you get. A cheap toy like that would hardly have anything going for it. For a full head sensor, there's a lot more potential. If it's able to accurately match patterns in the brain with certain thoughts and clear out the noise then it could work. It would require fairly expensive sensors and some good algorithms tracking brain activity. Not true mind reading, but in some ways, this is fairly close in that regard. I wouldn't be surprised if it requires some training as well.

Comment Re:Making it harder to pirate? (Score 1) 94

I suppose that if you get down to it, everything that you can load from the internet is downloaded. However, when referring to something downloaded, it's usually a file of some sort that's referred to. I double checked and saw that yes, torrent files are hosted and thus can be downloaded. My main point is that magnetic links aren't really files. They're just links can be used to reconstruct a torrent file. So in effect, when you load a webpage with a magnetic link on it, you've already downloaded it. tldr; magnetic links don't really count as a download. Your point on the torrent is true however.

Comment Re:So? (Score 1) 599

That's going to double the demand for electricity.

While technically that's true in the sense of the demand for the power to propel vehicles being shifted from a liquid source to a pure electrical equivalent. I suppose that if you think of it, depending on how efficient a car engine vs the electric generators and the transporting and storing electricity, electric cars may or may not add to the problem.

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