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Comment Re:Stupid settings (Score 1) 151

I've had to go around and disable TPM on all our physical machines to stop them trying to auto update. This is despite me specifically setting all the group policies that are supposed to prevent it AND not pushing the update via WSUS. Making the machine fail compatibility seems to be the only way to stop it. I'm almost positive that in some future windows update Microsoft will try to start flipping on bios features to push their garbage.

Comment Re:Don't be Basic, this is smarter than you realiz (Score 1) 71

Finally today we know VR is "the final medium" is as much as every other medium (text, video, etc) can be reproduced inside of it.
  Therefore we know VR is going to "be a thing" well into the future and a majority of VR's users are in the future.

Do we? Using VR (even on a quest 2 with no PC) is not as simple as picking up your phone. You cant really use it for 'I have 2 mins before im supposed to pick up my mates I'll quickly check ticktock'. You cant really use it for 'I have a 30 min bus ride home and need to kill some time'. You cant really use it for 'I'm stuck in traffic and just need to tell work I'm going to be late'.. Its terrible for 'normal' office work that isn't group meetings. Its not going to replace anyone phone or desktop/laptop in the next 8 years. It can probably work along with them (and it might replace TVs but they are already being replaced anyway) but I doubt we will ever get to the point where they will completely replace other devices.

AR stands a better chance of doing this, but developing metaverse stuff for VR is just a waste if its not also able to work in AR.

Comment Re: $226,280,579 (Score 4, Interesting) 111

What's more likely is that someone who has dumped $226M in to a crypto exchange hasn't dumped all of their life savings in to a crypto exchange. People with that amount of money don't usually put all their eggs in one basket and while its likely this would be noticed (I doubt anyone could not notice a loss of that size) its unlikely to bankrupt the person. The people most likely to be bankrupt by this collapse are the people not in the top 50.

Comment Oh really (Score 3, Insightful) 231

in which employers avoid providing all but the bare legal minimum, possibly with the aim of getting unwanted employees to quit. They may deny raises for years, fail to supply resources while piling on demands, give feedback designed to frustrate and confuse, or grant privileges to select workers based on vague, inconsistent performance standards.

That sounds like every managed service company I have ever worked for. I realize this is supposed to be targeted toward individuals but when its just general policy you have to wonder how these companies keep staff.

Comment Don't be evil wasn't that hard was it? (Score 1) 36

Well this is going to get interesting. We currently use a bunch of different VPNs on various devices to make sure our ads in other countries are being shown correctly and we haven't done something stupid like post the wrong ad to the wrong market. Does this mean we are going to get the ads for the country we are VPNing too (like now) or local ads.

Comment 4 months of no sunlight (Score 1) 144

Sounds like winter here for me.. Get up at 5am, its dark. Get to work by 6:30am, its still dark. Live all day in my office with no windows (The one that let light in, unfortunately I still have the other kind). Leave work around 5:30pm to see the sun dipping behind the horizon (or if I have to work another 10-15 mins, miss it completely). Repeat for 5 days a week. On weekends I get to sleep in and when I wake up wonder where all this light is coming from and why its hurting my eyes..

It actually sounds nice there, not having to walk around half blind on weekends..

Comment Re:How is this news. (Score 1) 931

"There are plenty of people still using Windows 98."

I seriously doubt this un cited statistic. Unless you live ina very poor town where people dont even have p4s. I personally havent seen more than a few windows 98 machines in years, and i fix alot of computers. I just dont believe it.

As a single point of reference, just last week here at work we 'found' a machine running some dedicated testing software under Windows 3.1. In the whole time it has been there we have never needed to do any work on it as it is still performing its single task adequately.

I say found because we honestly didn't even know it existed. I was looking for a data collection agent and found a PC turned on under a desk in the test area, followed the cable to a monitor in the corner and turned it on. Hilarity ensued.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 387

I pretty much agree with the parent. The plot sucked, the dialog was sloppy and the characters were not that deep.. I haven't seen the movie in 3D and I suspect that is what most people were gushing over. The special effects were pretty good, but in the days of computer animated everything, its not really that surprising.

I did however enjoy the movie and i guess that's the point. I don't love the movie like everyone else seemed to, but I don't hate it either.

Comment Re:Give them a break (Score 5, Interesting) 163

Reinventing something that's been available for years is not 'coming up with good technologies'.

Now what they SHOULD have done is just cache the MAC of the PC in AD along with the rest of the object (It might already be there as part of the auth stuff) and then mod the remote access client to try and ping first, no reply? Send a Wake on Lan packet.

Comment Re:Great Idea (Score 1) 262

Ha ha. Very funny.

In all seriousness though virtual monitors can be good for some things but completely useless for others.

Lets take for example my last job. Essentially my job was to monitor a whole bunch of graphs and if any of them did something unexpected, investigate why and then report it to someone. It was a lot more complicated than that (which is why we couldn't just trigger an alert in software, although we did have some) but we needed screen real estate and lots of it. We ended up with 8 20" monitors per person, meaning we had to use 4 video cards, 2 in 2 separate machines, and use synergy to link them so we could easily mouse from one to the other.

A single machine with all 8 monitors attached would have saved as a lot of messing around if one of the apps needed to be fixed/patched or when something went wrong. Having to log in to 2 machines at the start of your shift was also annoying as hell.

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