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Comment Re:Well watch what happens next. (Score 1) 248

Subscription television has always confused me. I thought the idea was that if you subscribed to a service, you could avoid advertisements that subsidized the free services. Yet for TV you pay for the privilege of watching a network's advertisements. I gave up watching TV over a decade ago, so my eyeballs aren't monetizing anything.

Is there a financial reason behind this, or do they just want to double-dip for more cash?

Comment Re:Buh-bye, Microsoft! (Score 1) 387

If the hardware struggles to just run the OS, I think "gaming machine" is the wrong way to describe it. In which case, running the few linux compatible games made available on steam (lots of multi-platorm low spec indie games,) would probably be the upper boundary anyway.

More realistically it was a low spec machine with a ton of bloatware from the OEM, had he done a clean install of the OS, it would have likely run fine.

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