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Comment Re:Different Scales (Score 1) 202

The point, if you were reading the thread, is that people do drive long journeys in Norway. It is not uncommon to drive from the south of Norway to the north. I have done it myself. Not the "extreme" north but far enough for it to be an overnight journey. I have done a journey of over 6000km in an EV that wasn't especially taxing.

Comment Re:Now to Invent a Zero Emissions Car to Cash In! (Score 2) 202

Brake dust is far less in an EV as you rarely use the brakes. So much so that rusted brake disks are more of an issue for EV drivers which is why drum brakes are making a comeback in some EVs.

There has never been any evidence that tire wear is greater in an EV either as tires are made to suit the vehicle. Why would a heavy ICE car produce less tire wear than an EV of the same weight?

Comment Re:Makes Sense (Score 1) 202

15 minutes is the average time a person spends at a gas station. The way to travel fast with an EV on long trips is more short stops and don't charge much above 60% full. Over a nine hour drive a modern EV will take you about 10-45 minutes longer than an ice if you don't stop for actual breaks. If you do, it's about the same.

Comment Re:Beware biased reporting (Score 1) 283

So the one benefit you find is that Parliament in the UK can now make all the laws itself. That's it.

All laws were also made in Parliament when we in the EU. The EU could tell us we were breaking an EU law if they didn't like a law we made but guess what, WE WERE A LEADING MEMBER OF THE EU AND THEREFORE MAKING THOSE RULES OURSLEVES. It it true that fully 2% of the laws over forty years that the EU adopted were not supported by the UK government at the time. Can you name any of them? Do you care?

Comment Re:Sad (Score 1) 283

True but we didn't need to leave all the European agencies e.g. certification authorities, medical regulatory bodies, air certification bodies, space agencies etc, etc so that we now have to create them all again for just ourselves and then get into all sorts of deals with countries all over the world to recognise the new bodies and certifications we have to come up with. The expense is enormous and far exceeds what we paid for them split between 28 countries when we were in the EU.

We didn't need to leave the single market and customs union which is causing so much trouble now.

We could have kept all of these and still not been an EU member. Other countries manage it, why couldn't we.

Comment Re: And why? (Score 1) 283

I don't think you understand logistics. Trucks coming into the UK from Europe don't just deliver their goods and go back to collect some more. They would deliver their stuff and then pick up stuff in the UK, maybe make a delivery and pickup or two in the UK before picking some things up to take back to Europe. It is not so easy to do that any more.

Also if a truck driver gets the choice of driving around in Europe using better facilities and driving wherever they please or trucking over to the UK to get to pee in a bottle and be stuck at border controls on the way home, which do you think they will choose?

So European truck drivers didn't all get up and leave, they just don't come over any more to do our deliveries for us.

Comment Re:And why? (Score 1) 283

Do you think the whole world cares about UK internal politics? Most people don't give a damn and certainly huge companies like Intel don't care.

What Intel would care about is being able to hire a mobile work force and having the freedom to buy and sell in a massive single market.

Comment Re:Should it surprise anyone that they don't want (Score 1) 283

Where are these hoards of UK workers just chomping at the bit to pick fruit, pluck turkeys and drive trucks if only the wages and conditions were better? They don't exist.

The UK economy grew to accommodate the number of people it had available to service it. Now the economy will need to shrink to accommodate the people who are left.

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