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Comment Re:My Anecdote Does Not Support Assertion (Score 1) 271

Not all of them. I still have childhood friends around, and I'm no youngster anymore (32 years right now). Of course, we don't hang out all the time as during our childhood time, but we regularly meet, knock a few at the bar...
And I've made good friendships as an adult too, not as deep as the childhood ones, but very good friendships nevertheless. Maybe you just were unlucky, because I doubt I'm the only one around here like that.

Comment Re:WTF?! (Score 1) 349

I wouldn't go so far as to call what's done here "market socialism", Brazil is very, very different from China. We are capitalists too -- means of production are not in gov't hands but in private hands instead. And it's true that our gov't is levying far more than their fair share in taxes, for what is being provided in exchange... I remember reading about Belíndia (sorry but apparently there's no English version!). Belíndia was a local economist's parody of what Brazil was (and mostly still is), with taxes and laws from Belgium and standards of living of India. The worst issue is, we end paying up for things we should have for free, for those things are poorly provided by government... public hospitals suck, so we must pay up private hospitals. Public schools sucks, so we must pay for private schools for our kids. Streets and roads are terrible, so gov't hand them over to corporations who charge tolls...
But as I said those things are slowly improving for some time now, IMO. :)

Comment Re:WTF?! (Score 1) 349

So do you agree that their policies are not Keynesian as the paper I provided shows?

I have to concede that I'm not an economist so I may be wrong, but the policies are sorta-Keynesian, involving government spending to stimulate the economy. And that spending is mostly social welfare projects, like the Bolsa Familia .

Can you provide a source for the improving wealth disparity you claim? Wiki shows this as steady, just like continued problems with corruption and taxes that target the poor.

My claim of the wealth disparity improving is not mine at all, you can look yourselft at the link you provided, Gini index has gone from ~0.6 to ~0.55 in one decade, a substantial improvement IMO. Corruption and taxes affects mostly everyone, not just the poor, and despite the cynism and bias of our media, I think we are slowly improving on that front too. :)

There is very little middle class in Brazil to my knowledge, maybe you have a data source that I can't find.

Not true at all . And Brazil's middle class has actually expanded during that last decade too.

Comment Re:WTF?! (Score 1) 349

The current left-wing party in power took over in 2002, take a look again at your own sources using that time frame. Unemployment fell from ~12% to ~5%. Wealth disparity has been steadily decreasing too. Concerning GDP growth rates, I'm forced to agree with you, were somewhat mediocre but managed to avoid recession despite the multiple crisis that blew up since then.

Comment Re:WTF?! (Score 1) 349

Further, it is using false data to draw their conclusion. Look at Page 4 you will see that their claim simply denies facts. Show me where total poverty has been decreased under Keynesian economics. Show me where the median income vs. inflation has improved. Show me where wealth disparity has improved. You won't find any such thing, yet this is what is assumed in order to move right on the graph and the paper assumes incorrectly that those programs lead to the right. It's rubbish!


Comment Re:Quit apologizing for the goddamn president ! (Score 1) 345

Homer: What he said is true because its in all caps. Are you gonna argue with caps?
Marge: Why does that make it right?
Homer: He took the time to press the shift key, Marge. I think he knows what he's talking about.

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