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Comment Re:Only $15/hour? (Score 1) 1040

Okay, the whole "would finally pay some taxes" is bullshit.

Taxes are taken out of paychecks, regardless of how much or how little you make. You might get a hefty chunk of it back when you file your taxes, but you didn't get that money when you got handed your paycheck.

Also, sales tax, car tax, various municipal taxes... again, the whole "the poor don't pay taxes" argument is bullshit. (No, I'm not saying they should pay more.)

Comment Re:Only $15/hour? (Score 1) 1040

$75/hour? Really?

I mean, I wouldn't turn it down, but that's $150,000 a year. (before taxes, and assuming a 40-hour work week, 50 weeks a year)

I don't think my parents made that between them, and they had a family of six. It's not exactly reasonable to call that a 'living wage'. (For the record, the 2014 poverty line for a family of four is $23,850.)

Comment I'm torn on this (Score 1) 493

It would be an invasion of privacy, sure. I mean, if this were any other sort of medical records, we probably wouldn't care at all. I mean, if anyone proposed a national registry of "broke their leg skiing" or "genetically predisposed to be an alcoholic", we wouldn't be having this conversation.

On the other hand, there are so many idiots (compared to, say, 15 years ago) out there refusing to vaccinate their kids because they are listening to idiot celebrities like Jenny McCarthy, that something should be done to protect people who cannot get vaccinated (like very young children).

I don't know. It's one of those things where I don't think there is a simple answer that would work.

Comment Re:well (Score 2) 557

The accord which removed all of the nukes from Ukraine was a brokered deal. In return, Russia agreed not to mess with the territorial integrity of Ukraine. (We can see how well that worked.) But considering that leaving the nukes in Ukraine would have only made it a major problem for Ukraine, Russia, NATO, etc., it was a good call to make at the time.

All you had to do was trust that Russia would abide by the terms of the accord, which, to be honest, they did, for 18 years.

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