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Comment Re:This happened a long time ago (Score 1) 218

I'm not saying this stuff never happens. Obviously it does. But it's also fair to judge them on these mistakes because it's evidence of the management environment the candidate has created, or allows to fester. Communications professionals implement procedural safeguards to prevent these sorts of public mistakes. Mistaking a photo of the Russian Navy for the United States Navy is a blunder of the first order for a professional graphic artist. At this level, the guy assembling the presentation isn't some dopey intern with powerpoint and an internet connection.

Comment Re:This happened a long time ago (Score 5, Informative) 218

I used to be a staffer who prepared graphics for high level government presentations. I was hired because I knew what I was doing, and I'd have been fired if I made a mistake like this. Let me correct that -- I'd have been fired, my boss would have been fired, and the company for which I worked would have lost a multi-million dollar contract which would in turn place scores of other peoples continued employment in jeopardy.

To write this off as just some staffer's oversight displays a certain ignorance about how important presentations come together, how they're vetted, and the competency of people involved in creating those presentations.

Comment self-righteous poppycock (Score 1) 589

Damn those people in the first world. Damn them and their industriousness, their striving for a quality education, and their ability to organize and cooperate effectively at a societal level. Those bloody whiners better not wake me during my siesta. If you're so morally elevated, get off the internet and feed someone.

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