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Comment Re:Perfect (Score 1) 184

It's handy having your an office suite on your tablet as it allows you to make quick edits on the go. No one is expecting you to write your thesis on a tablet, but for reviewing documents, writing comments and making small changes having Office on the iPad stupidly useful.

As for Office suites in general, I don't know what it's like where you are but in the UK you're almost guaranteed that to run into MS Office files in whatever job you do. There's no avoiding it even as a techie as your specifications and such are almost certainly written in Word.

Comment Re:Troll (Score 1) 451

Python. The syntax is clean and easy to pick up, and there is a lot of depth to the language. It also helps that it's useful for web development and big data analysis, so you'll be learning something that's relevant.

Obviously, with a question like that you're bound to get all sorts of answers. This is my 2 pence worth.

Comment Re:my daughter (Score 2) 280

I'm on Three in the UK and I get charged 1p per MB. Assuming each message is 1KB in size (lolwut?) that means I get charged 1p per 1000 messages. It doesn't matter if my friends and family are spread all over the world as the charge is the same. No mobile plan comes close.

Comment Late to the party (Score 2) 47

HTML5 was touted as the panacea of mobile app development back in 2012 (IIRC). The big news was when companies like Facebook and Linkedin migrated their iOS/Android apps to HTML5. Only problem is that the big name companies have since ditched their HTML5 mobile apps and gone back to using native APIs. They cite performance issues (apps running out of memory and stuttery animation) as the reasons for the switch. This is not just limited to the big companies, and others are leaving the HTML5 mobile app boat.

Google seems a little late to the party.

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Every young man should have a hobby: learning how to handle money is the best one. -- Jack Hurley
