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Comment Re:Meet Streisand (Score 5, Funny) 307

I applied this back in the early days of Java development, when the giant list of terms and conditions for the SDK download was displayed in a text field.

An editable text field.

This has two main effects that I can see:

1. I, unlike most people, am allowed to use old versions of Java to run nuclear power stations.
2. Sun owes me $1m for each JDK I downloaded back in the day.

To date I haven't received payment.

Comment Re:Classics (Score 1) 382

Hardly. Risk is a terrible game for friends - with some players being eliminated from the game long before the slow and tedious endgame, it's a bad choice for friendly gaming. There are plenty of far superior boardgames for such an environment - Settlers of Catan, Puerto Rico, Agricola spring to mind as strong choices.

Comment Re:Oe noes! A compiler bug! (Score 1) 739

Yes, it does. Because that's part of the Java Language Specification; any compiler that doesn't give a compile-time error in that situation isn't compliant with the JLS and thus isn't really a Java compiler.

14.21. Unreachable Statements

It is a compile-time error if a statement cannot be executed because it is unreachable.

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