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Comment Cloud seeding has a long history (Score 2) 29

Cloud seeding has a long history , but using it to attempt to curb air pollution is apparently pretty novel. Around here in Calgary (Canada), it's long been used in an attempt to minimize hail damage by starting hail storms sooner than normal (CBC). Whether or not it's effective is still a matter of debate.

Comment Re:Flu Shots are Ruining Vaccinations (Score 1) 482

Three points:

1) What about your friend's and coworkers' toddlers, grandparents, etc.? What about society in general? Herd immunity and helping stop the spread of disease is a good thing.

2) Actually, it might kill you. In Alberta this past season, we've had a strain of H1N1 that reportedly hits people in their 30s, 40s, and 50s harder than seniors, with a number of deaths. GlobalNews article

3) Even though you'll probably live, it still sucks to get the flu. Personally, when I weigh getting the shot against a somewhat higher chance of getting the flu, I'd rather get the shot.

Comment Godwin's Rule (Score 1) 256

Although it appears (from TFS) that both sides are referring to the other as Nazis, I'm not sure Godwin's Rule applies when you're actually talking about armed conflict. Hopefully the diplomats that actually represent the respective governments can rise above this and avoid (further) loss of life, but I'm getting less and less hopeful.

Comment Re:I am a White Male who attended the MIT CS progr (Score 2) 353

I think you both have a point. As I see it, both TFA and your comment point out that people often make assumptions of others' ability based on their appearance and the image they project, using stereotypes.
Some people, naturally or not, play into these stereotypes by projecting knowledge, confidence, etc.
Some people's image, perhaps because of their age, skin color, sex, or some other irrelevant factor, may project an image that doesn't match the viewer's stereotype.
I think the point is that people use image and stereotypes more than they might think. As such, it is something that we should be aware of and try to guard against in our own behaviour.

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