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Comment Re:Market drives you to China. (Score 1) 514

Interesting. The linked Wikipedia article talks about speaking and reading, and the later is indeed way harder to learn in asian languages. It would be interesting to see how this list turned out if you ignore the reading/writing. In Japanese, you can also write everything in Hiragana, for example; that's easy to learn but not as exact due to homonyms, words that are pronounced the same but have different meaning. These words usually have different Kanji, so you can distinguish them when using Kanji but not when using Hiragana. My experience is this: I'm German, have learned English and French at school (though I can't talk the later now) and have learned Japanese in an evening school (though I can't speak that one either now). I found that while Japanese has a totally different grammar than the others, it was easier to learn due to the grammar being not as complex and not having so many exceptions like european languages usually do (irregular verbs and the like). But it seems I'm the exception here.

Comment Re:Market drives you to China. (Score 1) 514

I second this. There's going to be a huge demand for Westerners who can talk and even write Chinese. The market is large and growing fast. An alternative to that would be Russian. But beware, although it's easier to learn the cyrillic alphabet than chinese characters, the language itself seems to actually be harder to learn from what I've heard so far: it seems to have lots of irregularities. A former colleague, who's Russian, said that after living a few years in Germany and speaking almost no Russian during that time had him forget a few of those irregularities in the Russian language and his Russian friends immediately noticed when he visited them. My father wanted to learn Russian and gave up because there are words that have flections that don't seem to be related to the original word at all and you need to learn a lot of vocabulary due to the grammar. By contrast, AFAIK the chinese grammar is "odd" for westerners but not hard to learn.

Comment Re:Eh? (Score 4, Informative) 272

In Germany, if the court grants you an injunction it is not automatically enforced immediately. The winning party needs to explicitly enforce it.

Now a US court decided that the company Motorola may not enforce this injunction should it win it, since there are ongoing actions that have not been decided (like, whether the patent in question is actually invalid). So if Motorola were to enforce this injunction it would have an unfair disadvantage.

So the US court has not interfered with German courts: it only ruled what the company Motorola may do should it win this battle in Germany.

Comment Re:Wah wah wah (Score 1) 649

From the fine blog post (emphasize mine):

We spent about 20% of our total man-hours last year dealing with Android in one way or another - porting, platform specific bug fixes, customer service, etc. [] Meanwhile, Android sales amounted to around 5% of our revenue for the year, and continues to shrink. Needless to say, this ratio is unsustainable.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 649

While you quote from the blog (even from an older entry), you seemed to didn't really read his other blog entry about Android. And BTW, their opinion is important because their apps are successful and of high quality.

The most frustrating part about developing for android is actually just dealing with the deluge of support e-mail, most of which is related to download and installation problems which have nothing to do with the app itself, and everything to do with the android OS and market having innate technical problems. Do some googling for "can't download apps from android market" or similar wording, and you'll see that this is a widespread chronic issue for all devices and all OS versions. There are numerous possible causes, and there's nothing I can really do about it as a developer, since its essentially just a problem with the market itself. Based on the amount of e-mails I get every day, download problems effect 1-2% of all buyers, or in more practical terms, somewhere between two and three shit-loads. I have an FAQ posted which offers solutions for the most common problems, but lots of people can't be troubled to read it before sending off an e-mail demanding a refund.

Comment Antitrust (Score 2) 307

I don't think Bill was threatened by the patents since, as Steve himself said, Apple wouldn't have had the endurance to fight this war. But during this time (1997) was already eyed for abusing its almost-monopoly, and losing the only "serious" competitor (which, compared to MS at that time, was still tiny) wouldn't have helped Microsoft on that front. So I guess it was more valuable for MS to avoid additional antitrust trouble. Also, despite their competition, Bill respected Steve (but the other way round I'm not so sure; Steve said he respected Bill, but while reading the bio I'm sure he lied).

For Apple, it really was an act of desperation that in hindsight payed off. But at the Macworld Expo, there was this famous presentation where Apple announced the deal, that MS would do Office for Mac and made a kind of teleconference with Bill. Bill appeared super-big on the screen, with a grin. The audience booed, which Bill didn't hear. Steve later described this as his biggest failure on stage: it made Steve look little and weak, at the mercy of the Evil Overlord Bill.

Comment Re:How retro (Score 1) 562

Yeah, we liked it :-) I learned a lot from these listing and find the lack of programming related topics in todays computer magazines very sad.

But back to discs: you know the saying Never underestimate the bandwidth of truck full of backup tapes, and there still are a lot of people without fast internet connection, and without flatrate. To them, it might be cheaper to get for example by magazine disc than getting it online. Plus, since you already have it one mouse click away, you might get tempted to try out stuff that you wouldn't usually waste your bandwidth for. URLs, "download codes" (kind of URL shorteners) or QR codes are cheaper (no physical medium to prepare and ship) for the magazine and you could even keep them up-to-date. But there still is a audience for these discs.

Comment Re:c't (Score 2) 562

You find the forum discussions on heise to be fun? My brain starts to ache when I read their forum, never ever have I seen such a childish forum (I'm serious; and I'm online for 17 years now). When they started to link to the latest 5 forum topics for each article I was in agony and despair and wrote them about that, boy was I relieved when they abandoned that "feature". But if you're into trolling and "Fremdschämen" then this really is the forum of choice.

Comment Bonus discs (Score 4, Informative) 562

Well, I'm from Germany and can only describe the situation here, but "bonus" discs really are pretty standard for a long time now. Especially with computer and gaming magazines, although some have abandoned them for online content.

For example, Linux magazines often provide a disc with the software that is reported about in the magazine, and often they're also bootable (rescue systems, latest Debian, whatever) which comes in very handy in case you're system broke down and thus can't get online (happened to me once a few years ago). Other computer magazines' discs have demos, free software and drivers but I've also seen them provide movies (I have no idea why). Luckily the notorious AOL discs have vanished ;-) A noteworthy example of a really useful bonus disc is from the popular computer magazine c't: about once a year it provides Knoppicilin, now called Desinfec't which is a Linux Live-CD with content to fix your Windows system: it comes with a few virus scanners (latest version: the commercial scanners Avira, BitDefender, Kaspersky and the free ClamAV) and always support reading and writing NTFS partitions.

Gaming magazines also put these discs to good use as some of them put video reviews of games on their discs and that really is useful additional content as often two or three screenshots printed in a magazine just can't transport the experience of a game. Of course the PC targeted magazines also have game demos.

Comment Touch lag (Score 5, Interesting) 218

From the article:

You won't see the blinding speed when you're poking around the main UI or some of Google's apps, as they're occasionally nonresponsive, although screen transitions are a bit more fluid than on other Android tablets.

I wonder when this will finally be solved. Previously, the lag was blamed on poor hardware. With this beast, that excuse really does not hold at all anymore.

Comment Re:ZFS (Score 1) 320

I do have a ZFS setup of currently 6 disks and I really recommend buying server-grade HDDs, unless you have set up a monitoring system that tells you whenever a HDD is failing so you can buy a new one.

Until half a year ago I used normal USB HDDs that you can buy everywhere. My experience was that they simply aren't meant to be always on and fail pretty soon. I usually had a failed HDD once every quarter year. It drove me mad. Almost one year ago I started using these HDD docks where you can put two 2,5" or 3,5" HDDs into and bought HDDs that where labeled for server use. After half a year they still ran fine, so each time a normal USB HDD failed I replaced it with another dock. Haven't had a single failure since then. Nice bonus: double the amount of HDDs I can connect to the server (speed isn't so much an issue as space in my case). The solution with these docks with better HDDs costs more at first but turns out to be cheaper in the long run.

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