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Submission + - Live coding for the masses with Gideros and ZeroBrane Studio (

Quazion writes: A while back Bret Victor gave the stunning live coding presentation "Inventing on Principle". Now Bowerhaus posted on his blog how you can do this yourself with Gideros Mobile (Mobile game development framework using LUA) and ZeroBrane Studio IDE. In a awesome twenty minute demonstration he explains how it works and how you can do this yourself, including code examples. This should be the future of development, instant and experimental feedback, creating new idea's on the fly.

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Dedicating Code?

The_Buse writes: This week I lost my grandmother and after returning to work (as a web developer) I find myself looking for some way to dedicate something to her memory. Unfortunately, I'm no author so I can't dedicate a book to her, and I can't carry a tune so penning a song in her honor is out of the question. What I can do is write one hell of a web app, and after nearly a year of development my (small) team and I are nearing the release date of our next product. My question is, have you ever dedicated a project/app/code in honor of someone? What's the best way to do it: comment blocks in the header, tongue-in-cheek file names, easter eggs? Or is this a horrible idea all together?

Comment Re:My biggest problem... (Score 1) 136

If you want to monitor the sprint's progress, have people send status update e-mail to the project leader or have the project leader go around go around and ask people individually. S/he's the only one who should care. There's no reason to force everybody into a room at the same time even if it's only for 15 minutes.

E-mail? Whaaa, help! You mean everyone CCing me more bullshit. Not more e-mail, please! E-mail is really the biggest productivity killer ever, or is it PowerPoint?

If someone's stuck and needs help, let him ask for help. If you have people on your team who hide and do nothing for a week, you should fire them.

If life was only that simple. Often people are too proud to ask for help, they think they can find the solution themselves even if it takes them some more days.
Of course you fire the lazy fucks, but sometimes its hard to spot that some is not really productive, certainly if management has no clue what developers are doing.
I saw many small companies where developers (or other personal) are telling their boss, this and that, and thus and so. But in the end they deliver nothing.
This is an issue with the managers, just trying to saying its not so easy as you describe. Shame it isn't, but it just isn't.

BTW: I never said I work in an Agile environment. I didn't specify what my environment is. It's irrelevant to my point. All I described was my biggest problem with Agile.

True, I am really sorry.

Comment Re:My biggest problem... (Score 1) 136

The "Daily Stand-up" is a way to monitor the sprints progress and adjust the sprint accordingly to make sure the sprint goal is met at the end of the sprint. If someone is stuck on a task for a day, maybe he needs help. Also its harder to hide and do nothing for a week, telling the same bullshit story everyday gets old very quick. Agile is about team work and team's need to know what everyone is doing to meet a team goal.

From your comment I read you are a loner, you don't care what others are doing, you don't work in a team.
I think you are doing something wrong if you think you work in a Agile environment, by just doing Daily's.

Still I wonder why you can't spend 15 minutes a day with your fellow colleagues. I seem to like social interactions...

Comment Cowboys... (Score 1) 446

Being a good hacker is fine, but acting like a cowboy (someone who is reckless or irresponsible) when putting code in to production isn't.

Creating quick and dirty solutions can give you great insights, implementing them that way in production environments will bite you in the ass later on.

Comment Re:Hetzner (Score 2) 375

Yeah! Hetzner is great. You can cancel the contract per month. So just try it for a month for 8 euro and if you dont like cancel it.

I have been using for about a year now. Its stable,fast and has a very easy webinterface for reinstalling your OS if needed.

Comment Crowd funding (Score 1) 570

I suggest you fund a noble project to crowd fund. This way you can also monitor what is happening with your money. And if you really invest in something you might even have a small influence of where this project is heading. Companies are often way more transparent then charity is.

Personally I put some money in the project, which is designing cheap solar powered lights for the third world. You can either buy equity at or donate at

Comment Re:Awesome (Score 1) 316

Yeah, for this guy you at-least know what he does when you piss him off. Other IT managers might do the same or worse (delete all your files and backups), but you wouldn't be prepared for it.

Also i think he will have learned a bit from this and might have better control over gis emotions next time :)

Comment Siege Perilous (Score 2, Interesting) 480

I used to play UO on Siege, the only hardcore pvp server UO has left. I left Siege due to the fact that it didn't have enough players on when i was playing, hours of running around to find a player. Its mostly americans that play there and the europian all leave, because of lack of players in their timezone.

So, i started looking for a new UO like game just like you. I found Darkfall, which was a grindfest and didn't give me the same adrenaline shots UO gave me when running around its forests. Also the Europian server was full of cheats and they didn't wan't to do a server wipe. Recently i tried the open beta of Mortal Online, wow the combat engine really felt sluggish, i hope i was wrong and it will be better, but i haven't logged in after the first hour. Guess thats another game that won't give the UO feel, although its mechanics looked more promising.

But what all these new games lack is the roleplay tools, UO has all these small parts as tables, chairs, flowers, paintings, etc.. You can really build your own scenery to play your character in, combined with a death penalty which makes life in the world much more intense.

If you find a good UO like game, please let me know ;-)

Comment Re:Is it IT that's bad... (Score 1) 783

I used to be SysAdmin/Support so i started my own Support Company which got me burn out.
I was so sick of IT that i decided todo something else, i became a technical project manager for a market research company. We did a lot of online research so my past knowledge was perfect for this job. After about two years i moved and had to leave that job, now i am Software Tester for another market research company. Its a lot more IT, but it doesn't have the fast pace of the SysAdmin world.

Conclusion: I agree better to change your IT field once a while and do something that feels good.

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