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Comment Apple could make a start (Score 1) 91

I'm a non-US iPhone user and I just want the option to schedule when my work email account is active or not.

I doubt it's a feature that has ever entered their minds.

However in the rest of the world, we want to be able to have work-related functions automatically disabled out of office hours.

Comment Re: I think opinion vs fact needs to be distinguis (Score -1, Troll) 271

Seems like you've never bothered to watch a single one of the videos from inside the Capitol that day

Here's a hint - people waving placards and walking within the velvet ropes aren't participating in an 'insurrection' no matter how much the media wants you to believe they were

Comment Re:Most people are struggling (Score 1) 188

Do you really believe the Tories are Neo-liberals?

They are asset-strippers and money grubbing back handers plain and simple

Help your mates to feed at the grand trough of the public purse, and get rewarded handsomely for it once you step through the revolving door into a private appointment

Documented for decades in Private Eye and the like

How is it that Norway, with the same oil fields, has taken 50% of all oil income for public benefit and accrued a huge sovereign wealth fund, yet the UK only recently dared increase the tax rate (on profits only mind you) to a similar level?

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