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Comment Not the first time this happens... (Score 4, Informative) 97

I live in Chile, one of the most earthquake-prone countries. Near my city there used to be a rather popular hot spring pools place *in the Andes Mountains* (not in a close-by valley), called "Baños Morales" ("Morales' [Thermal] Baths"). An earthquake in the '50s shifted plates and the hot springs completely dried up. The place still exists, but it's been abandoned.

Comment "After Earth"? As in Dougal Dixon's book? (Score 2) 277

The description of said movie makes me think it's directly inspired by Dougal Dixon's After Earth book (available at and other stores). A *great* read, I must say.

Now, that movie shows promise... or it would, if Mr. ObTwist weren't involved. Still, getting to see a the heroes mounting a rabbuck might be worthwhile.

Comment Wow. Is the southern hemisphere a supercontinent? (Score 5, Interesting) 87

I always found it odd that Mars' southern hemisphere would be so much higher than the northern one. This discovery means it might be simply a supercontinent that will be, in spite of its size, a transient[*] feature.

I'd like to hop on a time machine, go forward 200 years and read up a book on the geology of Mars. I wonder if they'll name previous continents (assuming they can be determined) by a system that uses names from famous Mars-related stories. The first bunch of continents named after features in the John Carter of Mars stories, another bunch taken straight from Bradbury's Martian Chronicles, et cetera.

[*] In a geological time scale, of course.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 5, Interesting) 622

What kind of bullshit logic is that? Something is broken, everyone hates it, so let's put all our efforts in making the alternatives better? How about contributing to PHP and fixing what you're bitching about instead of, well, bitching about it? You know, it's open-source and all.

An important part of fixing something is being able to recognize when it's better to throw it away and build it again. PHP has so many problems, in each layer down to the bottom, it's way past the "We can fix it if we apply ourselves": it's better to throw it away and build it again. Something like a new scripting language called PDR ("PHP Done Right").

Comment Re:the real difference between wikipedia and reddi (Score 1) 183

I don't believe anything I read on reddit or slashdot. Does that mean I'm suck in an infinite loop? Does that mean I'm suck in an infinite loop? Does that mean I'm suck in an infinite loop? Does that mean I'm suck in an infinite loop? Does that mean I'm suck in an infinit
stack overflow

Boy, have you got a short stack...

Comment Re:Double irony award? (Score 4, Interesting) 155

In any case surely there are official channels to request flags and anthems and other national symbols from...

YEARS ago, Chile hosted the World Chess Championship. Players from Romania were *very* upset because the flag representing them still had the socialist coat of arms on it (the 1989 revolution had happened less than a year before). They threatened to leave unless steps were taken immediately to correct this... I guess it was solved to their satisfaction, because they didn't leave, though.

Comment Re:Explore! Explore! (Score 4, Funny) 114

If you had to tear down a Picasso to get to a 'da Vinci', you can't make that decision on your own.

I know what your point is, but I have to say this anyway:

If you have to tear up a Picasso to get to a 'da Vinci', by all means do it! And trash some of Miró's paintings while you're at it, for an added bonus. }:->

(I'm from Catalunya, BTW, and I can't stand either of them)

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