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Comment Re:Rename the disease and awareness will shoot up (Score 3, Informative) 70

Sulfa works for MRSA, as does doxycycline, clindamycin, vancomycin, zyvox, and a few others. It's called MRSA because it's resistant to penicillins, not because it's a "superbug" with magical powers that makes it immune to every antibiotic out there.

Deuist, MD

Comment That's it? (Score 0) 325

You work 12- hour days and you're complaining? I'm a resident physician and work 12 hours shifts everyday. Plus, I have to take call which translates into 30-hour shifts on occasion. My personal record is 32 hours awake in the hospital---and that's after Congress stepped in and created the work-hour limitations.

You get free meals? I don't.

You get free shirts? I got a set of scrubs and white coat two years ago that I've been wearing every day since I started. My coat is covered in dried stains from various bodily fluids. The hospital is refusing to replace it and I must keep it until I graduate.

I will say that I'm happy with the management, which I guess is something more than Zynga employees can say.

Comment From a doctor (Score 5, Interesting) 566

I'm an ER doctor. I can't create patients as they come to me with symptoms. I will say that people come to me with minimal symptoms such as cough and fever and then demand blood work, X-rays, and antibiotics, even though the majority of the time their symptoms are caused by a virus and will get better all on their own. Somehow, our society has become so weak that every cough, scraped knee, or hangnail requires a visit to the hospital. And somehow we think that physicians can't diagnose anything without a thousand dollars worth of painful tests. Whenever I try to explain to someone, "You have a cold. You're going to be fine," that's not a good enough explanation. I've even had a few people demanding admission to the hospital---which, if you didn't have a life-threatening disease before, you can certainly pick one up during a hospital stay. This problem is societal in nature and has been made worse with television shows such as House and ER where lay think that every problem requires specialists and lots and lots of tests. Don't blame me; I'm just a cog in the wheel.

Comment Re:From the perspective of a potential user... (Score 2) 159

Plus, we already have translation phones that do this. My hospital has a contract to a language line where I make a call to a 1-800 number, punch in my access code, and can find a translator for any language in less than a minute. In the past year I've used Spanish, Italian, Russian, Albanian, Chinese and Czech. I can get through the patient interview and even give discharge instructions with relative ease. And if I can't find the translator phone, Google translate works in a pinch.

Comment Kindle? (Score 1) 116

I thought that the Amazon Kindle did away with any reason to travel to the book store. I can get on, search for any popular book, and download it straight to my device in a matter of minutes. It takes up no space, is easy to read, hard to scratch, and can read the books to me when I'm driving.

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