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Comment Re:Hard Appeal to Counter (Score 1) 363

The internet ones all created facilities that could have conceivably been used to build a "Silk Road". And by "conceivably", I mean "conceivably at the time", as in "Silk Road is not sufficiently non-obvious that it should be granted a patent".

The two pharmaceutical companies were involved in the development of drugs which were capable of being abused (one of which was heroin), and it's not like drug abuse was unknown at the time.

If not "before the fact", then at least accessories.

In the same way that gun manufacturers have been hauled into court for facilitating murders.

Comment Re:Meanwhile... (Score 1) 363

An adult (yes, he _was_ over 18) who molested his pre-pubscent sisters
paid a "judge" to expunge the on-going criminal records citing those facts...

Oh, wait, those aren't the facts? Well we'll just look at the records and sort
these thigns out - oh, wait - the records are gone!

Too bad he didn't live in Europe; sending a "Right to be forgotten" email to Google is a heck of a lot cheaper.

Comment To the people who think this is not serious... (Score 2) 220

To the people who think this is not serious... these tests are also used to determine who does or does not get scholarships.

A full ride scholarship means you do not pay for tuition, books, or even living expenses, if you live in a dorm. Lesser scholarships may only cover tuition + books, or tuition.

Still, given all the bitching about student loan debt: consider that these people, *minimally* get out with one year less of loan debt.

If they can additionally either keep their grades up themselves, or have someone do it for them, they can keep renewing the scholarship, and graduate with zero loan debt, compared to the rest of the schlubs who are coming out with a quarter million or more in student loan debt.

Further, fraudulently obtaining a scholarship this way means one less scholarship for a truly academically gifted person, who ends up paying the freight themselves, and if they do not come from a silver spoon background, it means they graduate with debt they would otherwise not have had. Even if they are a silver spoon case, they've lost the time value of money spent out of pocket, which translated to a smaller inheritance/trust fund/whatever.

This is, in fact a big deal. We are talking really large amounts of money here.

As a final consideration, this: the people taking these tests over and over for different people each time: they've had a *hell of a lot* of practice at this point. They are likely very, very good at it.

Comment Re: Availability (Score 1) 692

Those angry mobs won't be a match for microwave beams and high-velocity projectiles. We're not in 1800 anymore. Revolutions today in the Western world are impossible.

No, we'd be in 1400 again, if they started using those tactics (think Lorenzo de Medici).

It'd be time to hire food tasters, and hop it wasn't something slow-acting.

Comment Sorry. No, I won't. (Score 1) 413

Yeah I never heard it called "Obamaphone" before this article.

Watch a little Fox "News" ...

Sorry. No, I won't. I don't watch "infotainment", and that includes both "news" programs from Fox and MSNBC, which both just try to confirm the existing biases of the people who are already in their target demographic. Well, that, and they manufacture "sound bites".

Unless you want to bring back real news programs, I'm entirely uninterested in current television "news".

Guess that explains how I missed that little "gem".

Comment Re:Availability (Score 4, Insightful) 692

What makes you think this magical treatment (which doesn't exist, and may never exist) will be available to everyone?

Because it's cheaper to have an immortal serf class than it is to have to train up larval serfs for 20 years at a net negative value before they're useful?

Young people are generally a resource sink with no return on investment for a couple decades.

Comment Re:Not enough room? Not enough food? (Score 3, Insightful) 692

SO yes this is true. The biggest waste of resources is animal production for food. A single cow uses approx 2000 gallons of water for every pound of meat produced. The same pound of beans takes approx 100 gallons.

Who cares?

Build more nuclear plants, and use the power to operate the desalination plants you also build.

BONUS! By removing sea water from the oceans for the purpose of desalination, you mitigate the ocean level rise due to global warming!

DOUBLE BONUS! By building nuclear plants, you mitigate the production of greenhouse gasses, reducing global warming!

TRIPLE BONUS! By having an excess of water, you can grow more cattle and crops and increase the planets carrying capacity!

QUADRUPLE BONUS! Excess fresh water allows you to address ongoing desertification!

Ching ching ching ching ching ... -- human net prosperity slot machine paying out

Comment Re:Not enough room? Not enough food? (Score 4, Insightful) 692

In other words, lots of people don't have enough food.

No, in other words, lots of people have more government corruption than they need.

Lots of food aid gets delivered to famine nations in Africa, and it either rots on the docks (what the corrupt government doesn't use itself or give to its soldiers), or the surplus that would otherwise go to people who are not corrupt government or soldiers gets sold off to other nations in order to raise money to buy weapons for the soldiers.

In other words, exactly as the GP said: a distribution problem, but one unrelated to the mechanics of distribution, rather the politics of distribution.

Comment Re:MOD PARENT UP! (Score 1) 223

Maybe - but I find it more likely that the government is simply just promoting a pro-IP stance because our economy is so heavily dependent on protecting those sorts of provisions.

Meddia is not the same thing as software, so your examples really don't apply in this case. Better examples are:


Lotus Development Corp. v. Paperback Software International. U.S. District Court, District of Massachusetts. June 28, 1990. 740 F.Supp. 37, 15 USPQ2d 1577

The interpretation that the federal government is holding forth here is that both of these cases were adjudicated incorrectly.

If the Supreme Court fails to hear the current case, both of those previous cases are defacto overturned.

You can effectively say "goodbye" to the software industry, if companies are allowed to enforce interface copyrights. At least in the U.S.. Obviously, other countries will just ignore the U.S.'s idiocy, and continue on their merry way, and quickly surpass the U.S. in software development, just as they have in other economic areas.

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