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Comment Re:Science Fact (Score 1) 186

As already explained by I don't remember who, it can be a correct measure, if your objective is to have a lot of people in a few years.

Parallelize, and start over many times, and of course, each baby still take nine months to "produce", but globally, each 9 women will get you a baby a month.

It is not Project, it is Run. Different objectives, different rules, different outcomes.

Submission + - Sneak Peak: Improving Heroku Postgres with Support Data (

An anonymous reader writes: Over the past couple weeks in July Heroku has been taking action to improve the overall customer experience. How? By using support data to identify high impact issues in the platform. Check out the story of how Heroku's support team reduced the volume of support inquiries related to Heroku Postgres by over a third — even as overall usage of the product increased!

Support is available for all Heroku users through our Help app.

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