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Comment Network Operations (Score 1) 215

One of the entry level jobs at my company is working in our Network Operations Center. This job is part system administration, part customer service and part security guard :) Typically a NOC engineer watches monitoring systems and performs actions when things go wrong. They also execute changes on our production systems and occasionally communicate with customers about system issues. There are also routine administration tasks that need to be performed.

The hours can be challenging since the NOC is staffed 24/7. But the shifts are regular and predictable, and more desirable shifts open up after some time on the job. The best NOC engineers are resourceful and reliable, which seems achievable by retrained elderly workers. You can learn quite a bit on the job as well, since there are so many different ways that systems can fail :)

Comment Re:You had your turn, buddy (Score 1) 435

This sounds like a real situation, but I don't see it here in the Bay Area. Most companies list everything they want in a perfect candidate and take the best fit they can find, due to the large demand and lack of supply of qualified software engineers here. Companies that hire based exclusively on exact experience matches will end up paying for their narrowmindedness by hiring mediocre talent instead of looking at brighter candidates that could end up contributing more if given the opportunity to learn the specialized skills they lack.

I am reminded of what I heard about hiring at a state school though. It is not unusual to tailor the requirements to either match a desired prospect or exclude undesirable coworkers who are guaranteed a preferential opportunity to apply for the job. I guess these are the games that employers play when they have to play by arbitrary rules.

Comment Re:Not for undergraduate (Score 1) 391

I had largely the same experience at UC Berkeley, but I wasn't paying tens of thousands of dollars a year in tuition. If I were going to an elite, spendy private school I would expect more in the classroom.

That said, teachers are only a part of the learning experience. I learned a lot of interesting things from the teaching assistants that helped with our large classes, and still more from random older students in our computer labs. One of the advantages of going to a ginormous research university is that there are a lot of really smart people that you can learn from outside of lectures.

Comment Re:Plenty of heads up. (Score 1) 451

Java developers aren't going to decide to switch to Objective-C to address 5% of the desktop market. Most of the Java developers I know prefer Mac hardware for its easy interoperability with Linux. If Apple kills the Mac OS JVM then we will be forced to switch to Windows. I don't see how this benefits Apple in any way.

Comment Re:All we need is Netcraft confirmation (Score 2, Informative) 244

I know I don't - I don't think there are a whole lot of them. After all, Objective C has no significant enterprise market and 5% of all desktops. The only software market they have a significant presence in is mobile apps, which is growing but is still pretty tiny. I don't see Objective C getting all that much traction unless Apple loosens their grip, and that doesn't seem very likely.


Study Says Your Personality Doesn't Change After 1st Grade 221

A study authored by Christopher Nave, a doctoral candidate at the University of California, says that our personalities stay pretty much the same from early childhood all the way through old age. From the article: "Using data from a 1960s study of approximately 2,400 ethnically diverse schoolchildren (grades 1 - 6) in Hawaii, researchers compared teacher personality ratings of the students with videotaped interviews of 144 of those individuals 40 years later. They examined four personality attributes - talkativeness (called verbal fluency), adaptability (cope well with new situations), impulsiveness and self-minimizing behavior (essentially being humble to the point of minimizing one's importance)." This must explain my overriding need to be first captain when we pick kickball teams at the office.

Officials Use Google Earth To Find Unlicensed Pools 650

Officials in Riverhead, New York are using Google Earth to root out the owners of unlicensed pools. So far they've found 250 illegal pools and collected $75,000 in fines and fees. Of course not everyone thinks that a city should be spending time looking at aerial pictures of backyards. from the article: "Lillie Coney, associate director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center in Washington, DC, said Google Earth was promoted as an aid to curious travelers but has become a tool for cash-hungry local governments. 'The technology is going so far ahead of what people think is possible, and there is too little discussion about community norms,' she said."

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