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Comment Re:Use the Coax as a wirepull for the cat5 (Score 1, Informative) 608

It won't, no way, no how. The capacitance of the coax cable will screw the whole thing up. You'll get relfections and crosstalk *everywhere*. What you need is an old fashioned 10Base2 card designed for coax, you need terminators and you need to make sure the cable is of the right impedance.

Comment Expensive Lock, Cheap Casing (Score 1) 252

This is like having a bank vault, and investing thousands in an expensive lock - then placing that lock on the outside of the vault in a tin box. All they have to do is smash off the box and turn the knob behind it. There's a word for this: incompetence. I'm not sure why companies still put up with this kind of stupidity. Seriously, if a doctor pulled this kind of stunt he'd lose his license.

The Courts

Constitutionality of RIAA Damages Challenged 360

NewYorkCountryLawyer writes "In SONY BMG Music Entertainment v. Tenenbaum, the defendant has filed a motion for new trial, attacking, among other things, the constitutionality of the jury's $675,000 award as being violative of due process. In his 32-page brief (PDF), Tenenbaum argues that the award exceeded constitutional due process standards, both under the Court's 1919 decision in St. Louis Railway v. Williams, as well as under its more recent authorities State Farm v. Campbell and BMW v. Gore. Defendant also argues that the Court's application of fair use doctrine was incorrect, that statutory damages should not be imposed against music consumers, and that the Court erred in a key evidentiary ruling."

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