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Comment Left out factors... (Score 4, Insightful) 596

I kind of wish the poll had a few more options. I put zilch, but that doesn't have to be the whole story.

I work for a nonprofit, and I took a 40k a year pay cut to do so, so I could just say that, but in addition, I also give my time. There should at least have been one pole option for "My time, which is worth more to me than money"

Comment Re:"Where do you live?" (Score 1) 920

I've seen supposedly good pizza places in France serve what was basically an inch-thick slice of bread with a thin layer of tomato sauce...

I live in France, and what you describe is not pizza, but Bruschetta. While it's true that pizza quality/form varies a bit in France (each region usually adapts it to local cuisine), come down to Nice and get some of the best

Comment Nice, France (Score 1) 920

I'm lucky enough to live in Nice, France, which has gone back and forth between Italy and France since it first got it's name (from the Greek for victory when the Greeks living in France captured it from Italy).

As such, you get the mix of French culinary devotion with the Italian cooking style that makes for some of the best pizza in the world. (And yes, I've been to Chicago, I used to live in New York, and I've traveled quite a bit, so I've had many different kinds)

Comment 31.5" Setup... (Score 1) 628

On my desk, I run a Macbook Unibody connected to a Matrox TripleHead2Go with 24" 16:9 screens rotated 90 degrees.

In the end, I end up with an effective 31.5" screen, and two document sized screens.

I keep source code on the left, and documentation/web on the right.

Comment Re:It isn't just scifi (Score 1) 708

I consider myself lucky to live in France and be married to a French woman with exceedingly good taste in movies.

It turns out that you take the best movies made in each country and watch them, you'll have a surprisingly large selection of great films that haven't been corrupted by the above process.

We've seen great films like Good Bye Lenin! (German) Lovers of the Polar Circle (Spanish), Italian for Beginners (Danish), Taken (French) to mention a couple of (mostly older) ones that were really good.

You'll have to get used to films with lower production quality then American films, which means the delivery is sometimes a bit more rocky, but a crappy movie with fantastic production has nothing on a great movie that's a little bit rocky in its delivery...

Comment I work for TOPP (Score 2, Informative) 91

Wow, pretty cool to be on Slashdot (I work for The Open Planning Project).

With regards to open source, we try to tackle the problem from all sides. We try to create free and open standards for data, we lobby for said standards in government usage of data, and we try to supply the best of breed open source software that uses that data.

For the most part, the various governments aren't competing with each other for software, so open source makes tons of sense. In addition, the software support business model works very well for governments, because they want to keep this going, and most proprietary shops get bored with supporting a single large customer.

With regards to urban planning, our original plan was just to open up the urban planning data and see where that got us, but we've actually been spending a lot of time looking at other cities that have already have better urban planning. Amsterdam, Paris, Bogota. Jan Gehl (one of the great moving forces behind better urban planning) basically said that since you can never satisfy all desire for cars (which make up a minority of the population anyway) it's better to scale back just a tiny bit the attention spent on cars and instead concentrate on the people. Since cars take up so much space, scaling back on cars just a small amount opens up huge possibilities for people.

And also, working for TOPP is great! We do cool things, work on open source, support great causes, and the parties are kick-ass too!


Submission + - Xinha 0.96 Phoenix Beta Release (dzone.com)

dmayle writes: "The Xinha team is proud to announce the 0.96 Phoenix Beta release of it's open source, community driven, web WYSIWYG editor. Download it and check it out."

Comment Gothamschools (Score 1) 378

Whatever you end up doing, could I ask you to send a note about it to the people behind GothamSchools.org. It's a slightly New York-centric education blog, but they work with people around the country on improving education, and I'm sure they'd love to know about anything you end up doing.

<disclaimer>The non-profit that employs me is a parent of that organization as well.</disclaimer>

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