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Comment Re:The TSA needs to be stopped (Score 1) 427

Not just the TSA. Here in North Carolina you can be stopped at a "license check" roadblock. A thinly veiled attempt to catch drunk drivers, but requires you to present your driver's license to the officer. He may as well say, "Your papers please", just like in Nazi Germany.

Comment Re:We should know in about two hours. (Score 1) 503

8PM 3-day cone is out. Doesn't reach Miami. Center of 5-day cone passes well West of Tampa early Tues morning (2AM). If the hurricane were to follow that track Tampa won't experience anything worse than it gets during a heavy afternoon thundershower during the summer.

Comment Way too early to predict (Score 1) 503

The track and strength of this storm are way too uncertain at this time to project where and when landfall will occur and what kind of damage will be done. The computer model runs have had it hitting everywhere from New Orleans to the East Coast over the past few days and still haven't locked onto a repeatable solution. Another sign of the times when an over-hyped storm forecast gets hijacked into a quasi-political/religious argument.

Comment Providers aren't dummies (Score 5, Informative) 285

You can be assured that there are people within the cable and satellite TV providers that run this math to help them set their pricing. If you have cable the satellite promo pricing always looks better until you start to match it box by box and channel by channel. Same goes for satellite users that look into switching to cable. Every time I do the math it's so close it's not worth the trouble. Unless you are willing to give up content expect to pay about the same no matter what path you take. The only true break in costs can't come until governments stop enabling collusion. Same story applies to cell phones.

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