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Comment Re:GO GOOGLE! (Score -1) 584

it doesn't help when the +5 lies and -1 truth were moderated deliberately by a motivated army of clone moderators ready to "fix" any corrections made by others... mark me insightful and watch whats happens... i'd be at 0 and moderated back to -1 with an "overrated" mod that is happily applied by the controlling system with no questions. i point out when people are wrong and they don't like that, so they choose to respond by searching me out and attempting to silence me, regardless of what i have to say. the petty actions of ignorant hypocrites.

slashdot = stagnated.

Comment Re:Nothing to see here (Score -1) 155

i didn't attempt to state an equality... i did state an equality... you're an idiot. you = idiot.

the president of the united states = barack obama.

equality has absolutely nothing to do with potential to become untrue... however, you will never not be an idiot, so i guess that's a bad example.

cower in my shadow some more, feeb.

you're completely pathetic.

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