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Comment Re:Math (Score -1) 366

my name is michael kristopeit. i have not chosen to cower. i do not hide in fear as you choose to do.

you're an idiot, a liar, and an ignorant hypocrite.

you're a narcissistic, and when at a lose for words you attempt to reiterate the words of others, as a child would.

you're less than completely pathetic.

you're exactly what you've claimed to be: NOTHING.

Comment Re:I actually agree with the Democrat here (Score -1) 239

or you could get around this the same way as the "wars", and call it an "international understanding" and let the congressional peons try to stop you.

congress doesn't care about that poing because they are ignorant hypocrites.

international law is an illusion. there is only the exploited and the exploiters.

Comment Re:Homeless? (Score -1) 289

homeless is also not the same as "not renter" as someone who rents without a contract in different locations would be considered homeless as they don't maintain a regular domicile.

at least on earth.

you're an idiot.

cower in my shadow some more behind your chosen bean paste based pseudonym, feeb.

you're completely pathetic.

Comment Re:What? (Score -1) 225

perhaps you haven't even yet realized the hypocrisy you are actively ignoring...

you're an ignorant hypocrite.

why would anyone care what you would choose to draw attention to? how is correcting or judging someone who is correcting or judging someone else less of an act of something you claim you would not perform?

cower in my shadow behind your chosen pseudonym some more, feeb.

you're completely pathetic.

Comment Re:LOL, your export FAILS, hilarious... apk (Score 0) 263

so everyone involved with "the justice system" is a criminal? do they not take justice into their own hands? you're an ignorant hypocrite.

i would most certainly KILL someone trespassing on my property who had previous called for my own murder, or the murder of my family members. keep putting words into the mouths of others that were never spoken. killing such a person is not murder. your injection of judgement is again hypocritically ignorant.

stephen alongi already admitted to his crimes, and attempted to justify them as parody. i offer a similar parody... if stephen alongi presents himself to me and admits what he's done, i will kill him with fire. then i will fire again.

ur mum's face could end up in jail.

cower some more, feeb.

you're completely pathetic.

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