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Comment Re:Wired article wheel fire (Score 2) 208

Except it turned back toward Malaysia, but then turned again generally westward and followed a crooked channel out to sea, along a path that a Malaysian pilot would know isn't covered by air traffic radar, but would not know is covered by military radar.

Foul play is beyond question. The questions are who and why.

Comment Re:Derivative work (Score 1) 356

If the video contains anything copyrighted by the Indian government or by a corporation friendly to the Indian government, then anyone hosting the video is liable for copyright infringement. Not all countries recognize fair use to the same extent.

I always wanted to copyright my name, do something outrageous, and then sue all the media that runs a story on it.

Comment Re:The Republicans are right (Score 1) 517

Depends on what you mean by 'reproducible'. Who's going to reproduce the discovery of the Higg's boson? Who's going to reproduce the big bang, biological evolution, climate change, or continental drift. Of if not actually reproduce those events, what counts as reproducing the science behind them.

The devil is in the details.

Comment Re:Last straw? (Score 5, Interesting) 533

Finally, someone uses their brain. Sure, we could send a big army over there and stomp them into the ground. But then what?

And if anyone thinks Saddam's dead-enders were a big headache, what do you suppose a bunch of religious zealots will be?

Cue Mencken on problems and solutions.

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"The fundamental principle of science, the definition almost, is this: the sole test of the validity of any idea is experiment." -- Richard P. Feynman
