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Comment Re:Who are these idiot futurists? (Score 1) 564

MAYBE machine intelligence will surpass humans in some ways, but where the hell do we get this idea that they’ll decide we’re unstable and wipe us out? Sci Fi? Do we get it from anything RATIONAL?

Your subject line holds the answer: Maybe the idiot futurists really are in danger of being surpassed by machines!

They just haven't figured out that the rest of us aren't idiots too.

Comment Re:And every one of them... (Score 0, Troll) 61

Learn a little history. They'll target conservative extremists, but they create files on liberals just for being liberal.

IRS affair has nothing to do with the FBI. (Also, there is some indication that it's more Bengazi-style spin from the right than actual substance.)

Obama has nothing to do with it.

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