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Comment Re:This is objectively false (Score 1) 162

You can't be serious. You are describing a textbook case of more inflation. It is caused primarily by more money going after the same amount of goods. If there is more money in the economy because money isn't being destroyed by loan repayments, then inflation is the result. This is especially the case when the loans were given to the poor who are more likely to spend the money instead.

Comment Re:Like it or Not (Score 1) 557

A few cells from your body are not an organism. An embryo is an organism in and of itself. It is alive and it is human in a very scientific sense of the word. I don't understand why anyone is even bother to appeal to religion here - it is unnecessary. We can reason that this is morally wrong just based on science itself and some very basic philosophical axioms like murder being wrong.

Comment Re:Tricky, very tricky (Score 1) 222

Minimum wage doesn't destroy jobs immediately since at the margin it can still be profitable to pay the higher wage, but overall not be profitable when including existing investments. What this means is that slowly over time these investments will depreciate and not be maintained / upgraded, and no new investments will be made. The jobs will eventually disappear.

Also a worker is not worth as much as they bring in as increased profits, since you aren't factoring in the price of the risk. Workers don't bring in risk free increased profits. The associated risk reduces the value of any profits they bring in.

Comment Re:Mass Revolt by Senior Researchers? (Score 2) 49

There's a big difference between AI which is almost completely unregulated, vs. finance which is one of the most regulated industries. Furthermore, SBF simply didn't know how to run a business. He had expense reports being submitted over Slack. There's no indication than OpenAI works in such a primitive way.

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