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Comment Re:Gripe (Score 4, Insightful) 49

The pdf protected bits are an abomination and should not be respected by anything.

Why stop someone copy-pasting from it, when I can (somewhat slower), copy type it to the next window? Why stop me "printing" it, when I can choose to print the window it is in trivially (print screen->paste->print)? They're silly hurdles that can be overcome by simple programs that just flip the bits, so stop no one that is savvy at all, but are a usability pain to lots of people.

Comment Re:Slight conflict of interests, here... (Score 2) 27

That might be one view, but it is pretty widely accepted, see Marbury v Madison, which was seen as a massive power grab by the US Supreme Court, but has been widely adopted across the common law world.

Privative clauses are on the rise for tribunals though, but this at least establishes that for this tribunal, the courts still have a role.

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