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Comment Re:Simple (Score 1) 235

I'm not so sure I agree with this. Valve games have typically prospered extremely well on the PC with or without updates. The original Team Fortress was still being played by a good number of people right up to the release of Team Fortress 2. Counterstrike1.6 is still a popular game despite the success of Counterstrike: Source. Team Fortress 2 was a quality multiplayer experience and I would have expected it would have still had a strong playerbase to today - though the updates certainly don't hurt.

Comment Re:How many are actually studying computer science (Score 1) 173

A computer science degree is about the method of thinking. I know multiple non CS majors who program just fine every day at my job but when a discussion begins about the finer points of efficiency (which all development projects grapple with at some point or another) these people become suddenly quiet.

You may not need to write a intensive proof as to why an algorithm is efficient/inefficient in your career but being able to look at one and just tell whether or not it's an efficient solution (by leveraging the theory taught you) is important. Additionally completing a CS degree typically should say that a person is capable of learning multiple technologies and languages usually with little to no help as most CS programs will stop teaching practical development after the first year and focus on theory - leaving students to learn the practical aspect themselves. This is a huge pro on the old pro con list when comparing two potential employees.

Comment Re:No respect, work holidays, no dating prospects (Score 2) 173

I'd say the best senior management for technical projects are the ones who were writing code 10-20 years ago. Someone who majored in business will never fully understand the intricacies of development. I have seen many a project in my company go askew with project managers who thought they could just foist deadlines on their team ignoring developer estimates of how long they would like to take to develop a system.

The result? The good developers quit and you're left with a serious brain drain and cruddy product. But hey at least you finished on schedule.

Also going from a technical career to senior management would put you at the high ends of both compensation curves and lets face it - the vast majority of senior management functions are learned through experience not a degree.

Comment Re:How about learning some statistics? (Score 1) 332

Did you go to college with a widely accredited Computer Science program? I was under the impression that Discrete Math, Mid-level Calculus, Linear Algebra, and a course in Algorithmic Analysis and proofs were standard fare for a Computer Science undergrad. At least that's how it was in my school.

Some colleges gear themselves far more towards practical knowledge for working professionals looking to change their career paths. I could see someone easily coming out of one of these degree programs with a CS degree without any advanced math but these students typically aren't on the path for a life in academia.

Comment Re:What. The. FUCK (Score 1) 415

It might not be vandalism but it's certainly could be called harassment considering the ongoing exploitation of HBGary resources that were compromised in the attack. At the very least Barr is being publicly harassed from his twitter page to this day.

Consider this example: If you had a bully pushing you around every day after school and then one day you go to your locker with a note from said bully stuck to it would you not also be bothered by it?

Regardless the note is likely written by anyone even loosely interested in the anonymous/4chan culture but that's kind of a foreign idea to most everyday people.

Comment Re:Vandalized? (Score 1) 415

All the evidence indicates that the "analysis" performed by HBGary was primarily done by one man, Aaron Barr, and focused completely on scraping accessible online data. There has been no indication that the fallout and media attention (which was originally intentionally garnered, as of now it's hard to say if it's intentional anymore) is anything more than attempts to get PR.

Although a nice conspiracy theory there's nothing in the thousands of leaked emails and other data to support it.

Comment Kill Switch or Censorship? (Score 1) 339

I thought this issue had to do with the ability of the federal government to either stop or limit the amount of internet traffic flowing into and out of the nation but the article goes on to mention an article that "prohibits the government from targeting websites for censorship."

When did this become about censoring specific websites? If that's the actual intent of the bill then why isn't it more commonly referred to as the Internet Censorship bill rather than a "Kill Switch"? I couldn't see being able to access WikiLeaks from within the US anymore if this is the actual purpose of the legislation...

Comment Steam Cloud (Score 1) 224

This turned out fantastically for Steam. I can't tell you have wonderful it is to be able to play a game like Puzzle Quest on my desktop and then continue my game right from where I left off on my laptop without having to hunt down the save game file and transport it myself.

As long as game saves are also stored locally in the event of a network outage the consumer can only benefit form this.

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