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Comment Re:Why... (Score 0, Redundant) 154

They did.

It's all documented there in the silicon.

It's not their fault you didn't read it.

Or that you don't have the tools necessary to read it.

Or that you're not intelligent enough to read it.

But once they document it in, e.g. human readable form, then they might be afraid that they'd have to support it in this and all future generations of their chips. Perhaps they don't want to be constrained to always supporting those particular features going forward.

Comment In other news--- (Score 2, Interesting) 74

Big publishers want devs to shut up and get back to work.

That said, many of the R&D departments at companies I've worked for are 0.56% R & 99.44% D.

Although I worked in the Advanced Development group for one company where all we did were prototypes and researchy projects. Some of them actually made it into product. I think that might be the exception though. Typically though that company bought its innovation and then we had to integrate it.

I think the lesson is: if you want to innovate, start your own company, starve for a while before you either go broke or get bought. That seems to be what World-o-Goo-guy seems to be saying too.

Comment Re:watch it on the big screen via your PS3? (Score 1) 348

Your being redundant...

No, I'm not, and that's you're or you are, and not "your"

AFAIC a PS3 is a game console, not a general purpose computer; even more so since Sony has removed the ability to boot to Linux.

With a GP computer already in place buying an overpriced game console just for Hulu Plus would be doubly redundant. Royal you using an overpriced game console.

Comment watch it on the big screen via your PS3? (Score 1) 348

Well, no, but I can watch normal Hulu on my big screen TV via the computer that's connected to it.

I saw that my Sony TV already had a "Hulu Plus -- coming soon" item its set of selections.

But I don't think I'm in a big rush to to sign up for Hulu Plus. As it is I barely watch Netflix; my wife watches it more than I do.

Comment Re:Who pays 11+ USD to go to a cinema? (Score 2, Informative) 433

Who goes to a cinema anymore?

My wife and I do.

The last time we went was three weeks ago -- tickets were $8 each. The theater we went to serves beer, and they had a special on one of them -- I guess they were trying to finish off the keg -- $2 for a beer.

Went again two weeks ago, no special on the beer, so that was $5 this time, but tickets were still $8.

Yeah, we could wait for the DVD, but by the time it's out on DVD I've probably already forgotten about it. Getting out of the house can be a good thing -- it's definitely an impulse thing.

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