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Comment Re:fiduciary duty requires environmental awareness (Score 1) 114

Fiduciary duty very much does NOT mean the fiduciary must seek to maximize monetary returns above all else. They'd only have to do so if that was the stated goal of the fund, corporation, trust, etc.

Adding to this point, even if there were a fiduciary duty to maximize monetary returns above all else, there typically isn't any time scale specified for that return. A long-term investment that is expected to eventually return more than some other option with higher short-term gains, is still a valid investment based on fiduciary duty.

Comment This is just stupid (Score 1) 42

The ISPs charge their customers for bandwidth. They charge for whatever speed and transfer amounts they want, at whatever price they want.

It's implied that most data that goes to or from their customers will also go from or to somewhere else. How on earth could any reasonable person expect to get paid from someone at the other end of the pipe, when the entire purpose of an ISP is to interface their customers to the pipe in the first place?

An independent point is that without "those online service providers", there wouldn't be much need for ISPs at all.

Comment Re:The Navy isn't private industry (Score 1) 250

I think you missed the parts of the summary where they talk about the "other systems" around the reactor and safety:

"[E]conomists don't realize that many of the systems required by large-scale reactors, such as the ones that maintain pressure and coolant flow in the plant's core, won't be miniaturized in the smaller plants. They'll be eliminated."


Unlike their large-scale predecessors, the diminutive size of SMRs eliminates the need for active safety systems backed by human operators.

That won't eliminate all staff, but it probably brings the levels down closer to a non-nuclear plant. I'd be very surprised if there's any coal, NG, or hydro plant that doesn't have 24x7 staffing. Solar and wind farms may be the only (large-scale) power sources that have no full-time staffing requirements. (I don't know for sure, but I will say that I've driven by wind and solar arrays dozens of times, and have never seen anybody working at them)

Comment Re:As long as Deere can void your warranty (Score 3, Informative) 145

Wow. Didn’t know that. Thanks. I’m pretty much fully against right to repair, then. Its one thing for a company to replace a 50 dollar consumer item when the user spits tobacco juice into it and then asks the company to honor the warranty. It’s very different when Jim Bob wrecks a million dollar farm machine because he’s an impatient moron and wants it replaced. You can be coddled by a warranty, or you can go full blown libertarian “I own it and do what I want with it”. Not both.

Gotta read the whole article, there are reasonable limitations in the Act:

  • It only applies to consumer goods, which is probably why this separate bill is needed for farm equipment.
  • Jim Bob spitting on or gouging a product with a screwdriver would invalidate the protections, according to this paragraph in the Limitations section: "The federal minimum standards for full warranties are waived if the warrantor can show that the problem associated with a warranted consumer product was caused by damage while in the possession of the consumer, or by unreasonable use, including a failure to provide reasonable and necessary maintenance."

Right-to-repair has never been about having carte blanche to destroy things and then assert that the manufacturer is responsible for repairs under warranty. Not that that would prevent opponents from claiming it is so.

Comment Re:Slow (Score 1) 45

According to gigacalculator, 65 minutes to accelerate 45mph works out to about .000526g. I wouldn't have called a 65 minute burn minor but I guess it'd fit if it's that tiny of a push. Must've been that microwave drive.

I don't think the burn lasted 65 minutes, it just happened 65 minutes after launch. Too bad the English language can be so ambiguous.

Comment Re:Bullet-time not an effect, story-telling device (Score 1) 48

Interesting, I think your definition requires that visual effects be added in post-production, since criteria (a) precludes anything that's actually captured while shooting. Common special effects like explosions, squibs, moving lights and lasers wouldn't be visual effects, since they would be observable to someone who's on set during shooting. Using wires wouldn't be a visual effect, unless you count the fact that they have to be painted out in post. I'm not sure what you mean by criteria (b) :)

I submit that all visual effects are storytelling devices. Some are done better than others, and some are more believable than others, but in the end the visuals are telling a lot of the story, and visual effects support that. I don't think you can separate effects from storytelling that easily. Or at least I can't.

Note: I'm ignoring anything having to do with the quality or amount of effects used. Acting can be good, bad, understated or completely hammed up. Effects can be screwed up in a number of ways, from just doing them badly to using them too much. They're still storytelling devices, but they may not be very good ones.

Comment Re:Bullet-time not an effect, story-telling device (Score 2) 48

Bullet-time wasn't a visual effect, it was a story-telling device.

It had nothing to do with the actors, nor with the subject being presented. It was simply a way of moving the camera.

That's not so. The scene that made the nickname had parts captured from a camera array, and parts that were computer generated. There also were no actual bullets, those were CGI.

The ground-breaking thing they did was in the software that (a) generated a list of key positions to place the cameras, so they would have enough visual information (e.g. textures) to generate the scene with a minimum number of cameras and (b) software to create realistic scenes that were matched with the live action. The entire city and sky in that scene were CG by the way, they shot the actors on a green stage.

There were already camera arrays out there (I know this because I co-designed one of them in 1996), so the multi-camera thing wasn't the new trick here.

It could have been achieved in any number of ways. They chose [I presume the most practical] method of doing so, which can certainly be described as a visual effect. But that visual effect was in the method, not in the result.

What we saw was an actor doing what the actor did. Nothing was fake. It was simply filmed with many simultaneous cameras. That's not a visual effect. That's a filming technique -- no different than coloured lights and out-of-frame platforms.

Um, everything was fake, except for Keanu Reeves leaning backwards. In fact, they didn't even shoot that in real-time - he was on wires so that he could fall slowly. Their camera system didn't have the synchronization to be able to capture "simultaneously enough" to stop his motion if he had been falling at full speed.

Your second comment begs the question - what do you call a visual effect? Colored lights, arranging individual frames from several cameras as a motion sequence, fade to black, strobes, spotlights, filters? In my book, those are all visual effects. Some are more exciting than others, but they all affect the visuals.

Comment Re:No. We use services not a global internet. (Score 1) 119

If you're running a website or some other web service (like a shopping cart or payment system), then using the cloud probably makes sense for you. The cloud, or more properly "managed servers and services", is a good solution for those who need it.

The problem is that "the cloud" is used in lots of places where it isn't necessary. Anything that doesn't need to be connected to a web service is, by definition, more complex and fragile if it's made dependent on the cloud. TFS mentions robot vacuums not working because of some outage - it's hard to argue that a vacuum cleaner should ever be reliant on a cloud server regardless of how "smart" it is.

The cloud doesn't make internet services more fragile. Reliance on internet services makes a lot of devices more fragile, especially when there's no need for it and when there's no fallback in case of connection issues.

Comment Re:They got there by exporting carbon emmissions (Score 4, Informative) 234

Wow, that's amazing.

You, and several others who commented above, missed the actual number of registrations in the summary. For reference, there were 110,864 new car registrations, of which 9.66 percent were gas or diesel.

That works out to about 10700 ICE cars, with the other 100K and change being electric.

Comment Re:Issue a fucking recall. (Score 4, Informative) 138

The only reason NOT to issue a recall is if they don't actually know what the problem is, so they don't know how to fix it.

I'd park the car at the dealership and demand a loaner until they fix the damn thing. If they can't, fuck yeah I expect them to buy it back.

They did. Our letter arrived yesterday.

It doesn't say anything about parking 50 feet from other cars, but that may be because we have a 2020 model. Others may have received that suggestion.

They don't have parts available to fix it yet, so they just reiterated the suggestions that have already been circulating (charge to 90%, don't discharge below ~70 miles range, don't charge inside overnight, move the car outside after charging).

Comment Re:How did they solve the lifetime issues? (Score 1) 93

I've read that blue OLED only lasts about 2 years where white, red, and green last about 5 years. How did the overcome these issues? OLED has been around for about 20 years now but supposedly because of the lifetime issue have yet (until now I guess) to become mainstream laptop and full screen monitors.

I have an LG OLED TV from 2016 or 2017, and I can't see any degradation in the image. There's definitely no noticeable color shift, which I would expect if blue were "wearing out" faster than the other colors.

Comment Re:You're a fool. (Score 3) 189

My wife got a Chevy Bolt for around $30K last year. It's been a great car (potential battery recall notwithstanding). A friend currently leases a 2021 Bolt, for $208/month. Electric cars can be expensive, but they don't have to be.

Solar isn't necessary for BEVs to be cost-effective. Where I live, electricity is about $0.16/kWh. There are lower rates for off-peak vehicle charging, something around $0.11/kWh. Since the Bolt gets around 4 miles/kWh, we pay no more than $0.04 per mile. You'd need to get 75 MPG with an ICE car for an equivalent per-mile cost, and that's without factoring in other fluids and services that just aren't needed for BEVs.

That said, we have solar panels on our roof, and I've never heard of the aggregators you're talking about. Our utility does net metering directly (it's a state law actually). We pay a customer charge to be connected to the grid, and we then pay the difference between what we generate and what we use. There are typically credits, which are held for up to 12 months, and are applied as needed if usage is higher than generation. Aside from one bill this spring, after a particularly snowy winter, I haven't had to pay a cent for electricity in the last 5 years.

I'm not sure where you get your information, or if things are actually as you describe where you live, but it's certainly not that bad everywhere.

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