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Comment Re:It is about time (Score 1) 127

US Citizens should never be subject to any process from any governmental body which is counter to the Bill of Rights as interpreted by Law and the Legislature.

s/US Citizens/Persons

Constitutional rights apply to all people within US jurisdiction - Foreigners within the US are also protected against unreasonable search, etc (yes even "illegal aliens").

Comment Re:Patriot Act? (Score 1) 63

Nope, its true. I used to work for a US owned company in Australia - because of US law, we had to do everything in accordance with Sarbanes–Oxley. It was a royal pain in the ass - 100% pure bureaucracy - and just about doubled the work required to do most of our tasks.

I'm current working for a US company in Australia, and I never have to think about SOX. We automated all of the SOX stuff into the background, so day to day I work oblivious to these things.

Didn't you have automation and process improvement to do the same?

Comment Re:Philips (Score 1) 743

Funny how they advertise 20 years but promise only 3.

At a $60 price tag, that doesn't boost my confidence in their product. If they are going to claim 20 years, they should have a warranty of at least between 10 and 15 years.

In many jurisdictions, you will find that statuary warranty laws mean that a lamp failing after just 3-4 years can be replaced free regardless of manufacturer warranty.

In my jurisdiction (AU) as well as others (eg EU), law mandates that a device should last as long as is reasonably expected and advertised. If they advertise it as lasting 20y but it fails after 5, they're going to find consumer agencies breathing down their backs to replace, no matter what the official warranty is.

Comment Re:Good, Because Certs Are Worthless (Score 4, Interesting) 267

There are really own two certs I respect: Cisco's CCIE and Oracle's OCM. Both require hands-on lab demonstrations of skill.

As someone who has interviewed over a hundred network engineers for a major tech company, let me just say that experienced candidates with CCIEs and experienced candidates without CCIEs have about the same success rate of passing a technical interview. The only difference seems to be that those without lean towards practical real world experience, and those without lean towards book knowledge.


Copyright Lobby Wants Canada Out of TPP Until Stronger Copyright Laws Passed 164

An anonymous reader writes "'The U.S. government just concluded a consultation on whether it should support Canada's entry into the Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations.' The TPP raises significant concerns about extension of copyright and digital locks, so that might be a good thing. However, Michael Geist reports that the IIPA, which represents the major movie, music, and software lobby associations, sees this as an opportunity to force Canada to enact a Canadian DMCA and to implement ACTA."

Comment Pin spacing? (Score 1) 144

Does this have proper 2.5mm pin spacing throughout?

The most annoying thing about the regular arduino is the fact that you can't use standard protoboard for home made shields.

Please tell me they have fixed this problem.

Comment Pakistan is NOT benning encryption (Score 4, Informative) 351

This is a complete misread of telecoms terminology, they are not banning user encryption.

The actual regulation only mentions encryption ONCE, and that is in regard to signalling information.

Signalling information is not the data. I repeat, signaling information is NOT the data.

For phone calls, signalling is the bits that tell the system where the call is go to, and who from, and other "meta" information about the call. For data, signalling is the outer part of the IP packet that carries destination information.

The encrypted part of data is in the PAYLOAD. And they don't require the payload to be decrypted. It's also the same section that requires the
info to not be compressed. Are they really going to decompress all files before sending them off? No way.

All they are requiring is that the phone call source/destination info, and Ip traffic packets are not encrypted *further* by the ISP. Customer
VPN data will continue to flow as normal.

IAANE (I am a network engineer) and I have had to deploy a government spying^Hlegal intercept platform before, and this is pretty much just
bog standard like many other countries do.

Bottom line: A non story. Pakistan wants ISPs to implement legal intercept. Big whoop, most countries have already done this.

Comment Re:Unlocked HTC phones are (Score 1) 145

Unlocking does NOT void a phone's warranty, as much as the manufacturers would like you to believe.

Under the relevant jurisdictions of much of /. readership, it is illegal for a manufacturer to deny a warranty claim, *unless* they can show that the modification was a factor in the fault (in this case, the third party firmware such as cyanogen).

This is what prevents car manufacturers denying warranty claims on, say a gearbox, just because you replaced the radio. Same goes for your phone, if the camera CCD starts playing up, they cannot blame the firmware and deny coverage.

My Nexus S is rather well behaved in this regard. "fastboot oem unlock" says that it *may* affect the warranty, but does not state that it is outright void.

For the US, read up on the Magnnuson Moss Warranty Act.

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