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Comment No problem (Score 1) 324

Step 1: install a Linux OS from the distro's server.
Step 2: install only apps from the distro's repositories. As for the other 1%, you probably don't need them but they're usually clean anyhow.

If any friend/relative wants you to clean their system, just tell them "I don't do Windows" because you forgot how, but you'll happily install Linux.
If a paying customer, charge them by the hour to fix their Windows. Profit!

Comment Go to the dollar store (Score 1) 464

...with a tape measure, and try on all the reading glasses until you find the pair that focuses where you need them to focus. Pay your $2.

When you get up from the computer, take them off.

I'm nearsighted so I don't need glasses to see the screen. I went through a lot of bifocals and trifocals (I'm 67) and tripped going downstairs until I just said screw it I'm getting single vision lenses and taking them off when I read or work close.

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The next person to mention spaghetti stacks to me is going to have his head knocked off. -- Bill Conrad
