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Comment Re: This needs to happen NOW (Score 1) 110

I run into this a great deal, even from people who are otherwise technically sophisticated.

Here are some things to let you learn for yourself just what is and is not possible:

* https://www.safaribooksonline....

In short, I can track real-time recombinant memetics geographically now. I'm trying to get permission from my employer to publish some animations I've been working on that model injection and growth geographically and looks a lot like infection models put out by the CDC. You can even model meme-interaction and the spawning of new memes (not the innocent pictures, actual radicalized hyperbole spreading geographically).

Comment Re:This needs to happen NOW (Score 2) 110

Since this is getting modded up, I should point out the flaws:

The move by FCC Chairman Ajit Pai was mostly in order to control *validation* not information source. Those with the wealth, infrastructure and motivation to control opinion aren't blind to disinformation, they are masters of it. By channeling sourcing to a small subset of the internet and then giving these sanctioned-sources the official blessing from controlled interests they hope to be able to regulate *social trust*. This is a key point in my original comment. As long as they control the data and the majority of the distribution they cannot be challenged, no matter how blatantly they lie or misrepresent the evidence.

Nobody was completely blind to media manipulation even before it became the modern social-psychology wonderland for special-interest we have today. Mr Smith Goes to Washington hit theaters in 1939. That was fear of newspaper control and monopolization by the politico-bosses (the biggest problem during the Truman era) and it was before the word psychology was a part of household vocabulary.

Hacker groups run into the following problems: IPv6 is being pushed: while it has good arguments and valid, necessary reasoning behind it; IPv6 also allows personal identification and sourcing tied to identity. ISP/Tellco routing: (redirection of the traffic and packet tagging). Data patterning (neural networks) are great at sorting out even tiny flaws in massive volumes of information, so unless the smoke screen is nearly flawless it can be wiped away with ease. Hacking groups do not have the same data, which means their trends are off, which means that they leave a footprint in high volumes of data. They are also unable to verify, prove, or even detect much of what they would need to combat.

Those are all technical reasons why it wouldn't work, or at the very least work well.

Next there is the philosophical reason: technology isn't bad, it is merely a tool. The tool can be used for great public good, or great public harm. Imagine a world where sophistry and lying (on mass for manipulation) are no longer possible. That's the promise of NNs used properly. Unfortunately it depends on open data for oversight and validation. Attempting to stop the tech is not only technically unlikely to work, it's philosophically killing the golden goose for fear of the golden egg's value. It's just another form of neo-conservatism that is horribly short-sighted.

Finally, not all countries are created equal. Canvasing one country may be possible due to civil liberty and restrictions on government, canvasing them all is just not socially possible. The internet is global, the politics cover regional, national and international and all of civil, criminal and regulatory law. There just isn't any way for judicial systems to keep up, even if they were effectively educated enough to make proper judgements (which they assuredly are not).

Comment Re:This needs to happen NOW (Score 2) 110

one more thing... saying that Google wasn't storing the data is provably untrue. Mobile games like Pokemon Go and Ingress are based on cellular tracking data. Google maps stores location history and you can see it in your review recommendations and account history. The two data sets can be merged to recreate the data Google claims not to store.

Comment Re:This needs to happen NOW (Score 1) 110

Training sets not being shared makes the results non-verifiable and manipulation virtually undetectable.

Not all NNs produce accuracy that can be verified easily. Lots of them produce inferences for researchers, especially social and political science research.

Peer reviewers do not typically get access to the source data, merely the sorting equations and algorithm detail.

Comment Re:This needs to happen NOW (Score 3, Interesting) 110

Research doesn't agree with anything you said here. Google and Amazon weren't doing politics in 2016, just marketing and research. The few people calling out astroturfing were effectively powerless. Facebook wasn't even really fully aware of what CA was doing, they were focused on earnings alone. They took the money without really asking questions. That was their clearly documented corporate policy handed down from the execs, and there is a mountain of evidence that ignorance and incompetence, not malice, are the problem with Facebook.

The problem is largely that nobody *with the power to effect change* took the threats seriously if they were even aware of them at all.

Comment This needs to happen NOW (Score 5, Insightful) 110

As a long-time supporter of FOSS, EFF, Copyleft and essentially open access this has gone beyond mere 'best practices' and humanitarianism

Nobody, not a government or a private enterprise, can be trusted with private proprietorship of this much data at this level of detail.

The problem is neural networks, turning subjectivity into objectivity, and the unreliability of the source data. Whoever controls the data can use it for any purpose, and there is such a massive capability and potential for misuse, especially of human trust networks, that there simply is no acceptable level of trust.

All human governments and economic systems rely on trust. Before social media, social trust networks were the foundation of all government. Who do you know? Who knows you? When the answer is whoever has the data plus a few (maybe a couple of dozen) close family and associates, then the system is broken.

Most people can't possibly cover anywhere near the number of social connections that a single-process home computer can cover. My lab can millions of processes with petabytes of data and more than a TB of network pipe. That's a fairly good lab, but there are far better out there. With the right kinds of data, I can manipulate society like it's my own personal sandbox.

Without protections on the data, there is no way to detect, verify or validate who is doing what with it. One good person might be fine, but what happens when they die and someone else gets it? There just isn't any reliable assurance that it won't be misused, while history teaches us that it invariably will be misused by someone given opportunity.

Some kind of national infrastructure and protection must be placed around this level of power. It's not like nukes, you can't guarantee it won't fall into the wrong hands with traditional protection measures. Security has limitations... There is no other choice.

Comment Work in security, track serious threats... (Score 1) 205

get called a 'drama queen' and 'hyperbolic' and other ad-homonym attacks by the 'real experts' in social psychology. You know, the guys who have no technical background and aren't allowed to perform these experiments because they were deemed unethical... they keep saying the tech doesn't work.

Meanwhile the internet war is getting really insane. You guys have the tools to check (mostly) but here's some screenshots I uploaded to imgur:

Submission + - The U.S. plan to bomb Pagan Island, the worst place ever (

dcblogs writes: The U.S. is being sued over its plan to take one of the Pacific's most beautiful places, Pagan Island, and turn into a training facility and bombing range for the U.S. military. “Families who formerly resided on Pagan would be forever banished from returning to their home island, which would be turned into a militarized wasteland,” according to the lawsuit filed by lawsuit filed by Earthjustice, which is representing some the groups in the Northern Mariana Islands fighting this action. The 18-square-mile island, which is part Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and a U.S. territory, is about about the size of Hartford, Conn. It is a volcanic island, shaped by magma and violent explosions. There are large rock outcrops, cliffs, King Kong Island-type vistas, relatively high elevations and plateaus. The island was evacuated in 1981 because of volcanic activity, but a handful of people have taken up residence. The government's proposal is reminiscent of the takeover of Bikini Atoll in 1946, which was used for nuclear testing. The U.S. Environmental Impact Statement suggest that the government has made plans to protect the native’s island wildlife. For instance, consider the protections for the fruit bat. “The proposed 0.5- mile (0.8-kilometer) buffer zone around each (Fruit Bat) colony will significantly reduce the potential for aircraft strikes of fruit bats.” [Emphasis added]

Comment Re:I tried e-ciggs to quit (Score 1) 312

I like how I got modded down for telling my own personal experience with e-ciggs.

Do people now have to provide a note from their doctor to be believed on the internet? I get that trolls are a problem, but it's insulting that a slashdot user for more than 10 years gets meta-moderated down for a comment involving personal experience.

Hell I even have to wonder now if those doing the moderating aren't socks suppressing information that is inconvenient to them. I haven't done studies, or research, nor do I know anything about eciggs other than what I stated: I tried one for a few months and yes, my lungs hurt and I coughed blood.

I had the same problem when I tried switching to smoking a pipe (not the blood, but it did make my chest hurt more). Am I now anti pipe for stating that experience?

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