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Comment Phone Antivirus (Score 1) 144

I was under the impression that antivirus for phones was pretty much useless. The reasoning behind it was that it requires admin/root privileges in order to detect viruses, and most phones only let you operate in an app/user sandbox. The only time antivirus would have these type of permissions is during the install. Have I missed some step forward in phone antivirus applications?

Comment Incentives (Score 1) 57

How do you create incentives for the companies that make these devices to make them secure?

The current comments on the draft for "Content of Premarket Submissions for Management of Cybersecurity in Medical Devices" pertaining to 21 CFR 820.30(g) have a disturbing trend of focusing on "unauthorized access" of these devices to be considered criminal (CFAA) instead of trying to protect against said access. Furthermore, I find any discussion of encrypting the data immediately turns to data bloat due to encryption. Often times, the data messages that are being sent back and forth are small (24 bytes), so device manufacturers are worried about real time responses when the data size is dramatically increased.

Comment Re:Are ToS Legal? (Score 1) 114

Thank you for clearly responding to the content of my post instead of just the comment subject... The point of the comment is how can a ToS be legally binding if the person agreeing to it is still a minor. They cannot legally sign a contract without their legal guardian's signature also on the contract. So can a minor legally agree to a ToS?

Comment Are ToS Legal? (Score 3, Interesting) 114

Company vs. enthusiast (hacker) arguments often seem to go back to the Terms of Service that are associated with the company’s product (Sony vs. geohot). Are these Terms of Service legal contracts between the company and the user? The ones that I have read never state that you must be a legal adult to agree to the Terms of Service. I remember clicking “I Agree” on hundreds of installations before I was over the age of 18. My guess is that these contracts would not be legally binding since I was not a legal adult. It seems like I would get around the Terms of Service by having my 2 year old daughter click the “I Agree” button, or maybe I would just be illegally using their product.

Comment Re:No way (Score 1) 1307

It is about service and support. However, it's also about security and best practices. If some non-IT person is expecting to throw stuff on the network, then it has to be evaluated by the proper people. The only power and control we want is to be able to keep our network safe. It's our butts on the line when someone manages to hack into the network and get to medical data that has privacy laws associated with it. You wouldn't want us throwing medical equipment at you haven't had the chance to evaluate.

Comment Re:Keep up or shut up (Score 1) 785

The article is not about programmers with experience not keeping up with new technology. It's about college grads with little to no experience getting premium salaries because they are familar with a technology. The key point is that they are usually only marginally familar with a technology. A good programmer would be able to get to their level in less than a month on their own. Your rant is completely out of place for the article. I do agree that there are a good number of IT folks that don't keep up with the time, but that's a discussion for another time.

Personally, I would never pay a college grad the same salary or higher than my existing senior staff. It's ludicrous to pay someone a premium who doesn't have the experience that would prove he deserves that salary. I can see paying a "new hire premium", where that person would get paid a higher salary than other ground-level guys coming in, but never more than a senior level expert. If you need to fill a technology hole that badly, hire a contractor. You will be paying a premium to get the work done, but you can at least get rid of them once you are comfortable with your team's knowledge level. That way your staff doesn't get angry at you for paying the new guy a premium.

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