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Comment Re:and everyone copied microsoft (Score 1) 251

Personally I think it looks more like a 1993 Apple Newton. In form and function that is, not so much in style. Got to remember it was released in 93, it wasn't possible to make tech as skinny and sleek as an ipad. The 2002 microsoft tablet has a flip screen and keyboard. In form and function it is far closer to a laptop then an ipad.

Comment Re:public key (Score 2) 164

Cross referencing would be done on name and the public key's finger print, not the key itself.

Anyone can generate a public/private key, so we don't need an organization to manage (collect fees) the handing out of numbers. Or deciding who is a scientist and who deserves to get a number.

Attribution would be a nice bonus.

Comment Re:MS and Linux (Score 2) 396

It just shows that Microsoft doesn't take the hard approach of FOSS fanatics but uses what suits the purpose best.

Most open source projects run on windows. Linux usually comes first, but 90% of the time there is a windows port. What % of Microsoft apps run on something other then windows? It looks to me that the "FOSS fanatics" are very good about allowing people to pick what suits them the best while Microsoft isn't.

Comment Re:So how is Silverlight different (Score 1) 107

most developers want to get out of the hell produced by these kinds frameworks.

Sadly not the ones I work with. We sent a developer to training and he came back saying he was being left behind. He was talking about how silverlight was the future. The trainer brain washed him good.

Comment Re:Pooling Opinions... (Score 0) 189

So I hijack the router that website is using to access the internet. I install some software on the router to return a fake cert. I see the fake cert. All of the other notaries see the fake cert. It this is popular site the notaries might notice a cert change, but if its a low volume site that the notaries never go to. We all agree the fake cert is valid. How is this more secure? Or I hack the router you use to access the internet... all of the notaries you try to talk to I redirect to me. I say every site is valid regardless if it is or not. How is this more secure?

Comment Re:Two problems here (Score 1) 249

a) How do you distribute the fingerprint? The MITM controls the network access, they can give you fingerprints that matches the fake cert that they are serving up. (rewriting web pages on the fly is easy, simple search for old fingerprint, replace with fake fingerprint) You're left with "out of band communications" like the phone network or snail mail. Something the MITM can't control. I don't really want to make a phone call to make a secure web connection. b) How do you get the user to make this verification? You tell most users to verify the finger prints they will look at their own hands. SSL is sound... the problem is the implementation of SSL. We have way too mean certificate authorities. We should have no more then 5. If they screw up, ie getting hacked, issuing a cert to someone who isn't who they say they are, etc... they get massively fined and on the second offense the lose their status as a CA.

Comment Re:Two problems here (Score 1) 249

1. Prevent MITM attacks. Query several notaries and make sure that they fetch and deliver the same certificate you got. OK, I'll buy this. But:

How do you know your talking to the notaries and not the MITM pretending to be the site you want and the notaries? Maybe we should have notaries to check the notaries. But then how do you prevent those notaries from... we'll do it once more and everything will be ok. If the MITM controls the router/DNS/firewall/network/proxy/etc you used to access the internet the MITM might be the only one you can talk to. You could distribute the notaries certs with the browser so that they can't be MITMed... aka SSL.

Comment Re:Units (Score 1) 90

Sun is a generic term for a star. I believe our star is called Sol. If I am not mistaken, the planets are named after the star and in order of distance from the star. IE earth would be Sol 3.

Comment Point Less? (Score 5, Insightful) 353

Isn't having a cell phone (especially one with apps that can access the GPS location) always track able by someone? Don't get me wrong I don't like the idea of being tracked, but the only way your going to achieve this, is to leave your cell phone at home.

Comment Re:Google v. Oracle - Solved (Score 5, Insightful) 229

C# is very portable, IF you pick your libraries right, IF you don't use any standard features that are windows centric, IF you don't call any native libraries, IF you want to wait for the advanced feature to get ported to your platforms implementation... etc. You have to do a lot of work to keep from falling into lock in. The thing about Java is, its very hard to make an app not cross platform. You have to do a lot of work to lock yourself into a platform using Java.

Comment Re:wait.... (Score 1) 257

You can't pass laws against the internet. If you make porn on a .com illegal the site will move to another country where it is legal. Take away their domain name, they will have a new one in under an hour. Law enforcement will be playing a very expensive game of internet whack-a-mole. I prefer my cops out on the street fighting crime. They should create a .kid or .safe TLD. The domain should be hard/expensive to get, like a .edu or .gov domain is. The expense will go to paying auditors/reviewers to rate the site. If a sites rating is too high, they lose their domain and have to reapply. This makes it extremely easy for schools/parents/anyone else to provide a safe internet experience by blocking everything but the .kid TLD. "Kid Friendly" companies like Disney will gladly pay the fee to buy exclusive internet time with our children. .XXX is a way to make icann more money, it has nothing to do with protecting the children.

Comment Re:"When Can I Use?" rating (Score 1) 435

Apple extended khtml to make webkit. They didn't contribute back to khtml because the changes were too numerous (or something I don't know why). Google extended webkit and probably didn't contribute back to webkit because the changes were too numerous (or something....). Google did the exact same thing that Apple did. Apple isn't on any sort of high ground here. Apple didn't "contribute" anything to open source. khtml contributed to open source and the rest used their code and couldn't be bothered to contribute back to the original project. But that is ok because the GPL allows this and if the original developers of khtml want to back port something from Google or Apple they can.

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