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Comment Re:41 Years (Score 1) 46

Mod parent up please. The outsides are never a great indicator of what is going on inside. I know many "professionals" (lawyers/doctors) that look like they have it together but are raging addicts that I have worked along side in addiction programs. Also, an anecdote with yourself as the subject is probably the least trustworthy piece of data because of bias. Think about it, if you have significant psychological issues I would totally expect your self-preservation-fear to kick in and post something like this (not saying thats the case, I know nothing about parent's parent personally) but from my experience AND study in psychology (I will admit I am a recovering addict with PTSD that I am treating with professionals) I know its a behavioral pattern.

Submission + - Twenty questions with a Time Traveler

saboosh writes: If you could ask a time traveler 20 yes/no questions what would they be and why? Assuming climate change hasn't destroyed humanity this century and the time traveler is from the distant future AND they have traveled to the distant past so they can definitively answer questions about the future AND the past... also assume that they cannot lie.

Comment Just what our culture needs (Score 1) 138

Oh great, this will make the girls on this planet even more insecure and boys have even more unrealistic expectations... just what we need :(.. Why cant we all just be ok with who we are exactly as we are? I love technology but this is just adding to a cultural phenomenon that is already pretty sick.

Comment Re:More important lesson (Score 5, Insightful) 161

I find people like anecdotes here so please allow me to add: I was raised by very "tough" parents with a very "tough" form of discipline. Mistakes meant punishment. Today I have a 9 year old daughter who, like any other human being, makes mistakes. A few years ago I noticed a very strange phenomena with regards to "dealing" with her mistakes". When I would get upset with her and punish her for spilling on the couch or forgetting to clean her room I would see her make it again and as time went on she would get, either, more defensive about it or try to lie about it. At some point my fiancee asked that I try a different approach: Try being kind and loving with my response and take time with her to show empathy, to share that Im not perfect either and to figure out another way of handling whatever the mistake was.... the taking-time part is probably the toughest for me because it means work, im sure many can relate.... but, strangely, I noticed that she was making the mistakes I handled the new way a lot less... and she seemed to be ok with handling them a new way. She started to clean her room on her own and even though her coordination did not allow her to stop from spilling she was more careful about where she took her drinks and cleaned them up more quickly.... its really ass backwards to me... and to top it off, she seems less anxious around me and my responses and seems less defensive... Im not a psychologist and wont pretend to understand the how or why of it, I just know she seems less distracted and anxious and I seem to get more hugs from here and I will take that over trying to "force" her to learn anyday.

Comment Dont really care if I am commercialized. (Score 2) 243

Whats the big deal with getting ads for things I may actually care about (as opposed to crap I dont care about)? Its really on me to decide whether I want to spend the money on it so if it really ends up costing me a lot of money then thats my fault, not the advertisers. Either MSFT has nothing else to hit the competitor with or they truly believe that everyone has gotten so bad at moderation (Which I guess is true in the US) that they cannot get out of their own way and not spend money on everything that flies infront of their face. As far as the cost of having to "Deal" with ads getting in the way or other advertisers having more information on me. I would like to see some examples of how this has resulted in any significant cost to anyone because the most it has ever "cost" me is a click or two to close the ad or a call to the national directory to remove my number from the list. Thats not much cost to me, especially compared to what I get from Google (Mail, Maps, Android, machine learning in all those things to make them more tailored to my life.).

Comment Why fiddle, just re-implement the damn thing (Score 2, Informative) 160

An issue recently came up on my Engineering team where a pig mapreduce job that stores in hbase slowed over the course of completing tasks until all the tasks failed due to timeouts. What appeared to be happening was a gc failure and pause due to tenure region exaustion and the built in cluster function to kill off the garbage collecting regionserver. The link below describes the issue and possible workarounds by implementing a custom memory allocation strategy. It's also a must read for anyone who isn't a java garbage collection expert.

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