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Comment Re:NEW tried this and failed (Score 1) 608

Online courses, if designed as online courses instead of dumping text onto a site, can be quite good. The course will need to be designed for online consumption - tutorials, audio visual aids, help desk accessible teaching staff and students. .

I agree with this quite a bit. If an online course is designed well it makes for a great teaching aid.

We used Aplia as a supplement for my micro and macro economics courses and it was great.
The site interacts really well with the user and enhances the learning experience.

However, other online courses I have taken have not been designed well.
Most of the bad ones I have seen have been supplement sites from the textbook publishers (mainly Pearson)
I had to use this awful online supplement for corporate finance.

I do believe online learning is the future of education.
But we also have a steep learning curve as far figuring out and implementing what works and what doesn't.
Its just going to take time and experience for elearning to become effective.

Comment Re:How financing works (Score 1) 90

This is a good explanation of why these loans are bad.

$30 Billion is enough financing for Huawei to corner any market that they choose. That gives them too much power.

While the Chinese may have embraced capitalism (in the wake of the demise of the USSR), they certainly don't believe in free market economics, and will use whatever means they can to control and manipulate the markets.

You can boo hoo the US governments corporate bail outs all you want. But the bail outs were never intended to grab and control market share.

Comment Re:capitalism fail (Score 1) 295

Consider also a telecom company that sniffs the calls of its users and sells this information to other companies. That would be an even bigger outrage.

Why does it still work differently with social networks?

It works differently because social networks offer their services for free. Telecoms get cash for their services and social networks ( mainly Facebook) get your personal data (instead of cash).

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