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Comment Re:Scr*w Godaddy (Score 1) 279

Same here. I only have one measly domain and next to zero traffic but I moved it from GoDaddy to namecheap several months ago.

GoDaddy keeps thinking advertisements with possibly hot women will cause their audience (nerds) to look past how badly they suck.

Comment I love Netflix (Score 5, Insightful) 139

I am a long time customer. I love it. Even with the latest mis-steps, I am still a happy customer. Yes, they screwed up. But the service is still totally worth it to me.

But if Verizon buys them, I'm cancelling. I just cannot imagine any way that they wouldn't completely destroy Netflix's value proposition.

Comment Chinese tablet manufacturers (Score 1) 168

There's a ton of them and they make all kinds of 7" tablets. Some of them aren't bad and are what you're buying when you get re-branded tablets from various manufacturers. You might be able to convince them to sell you just one for a trial if they think you are an OEM company planning on selling them to consumers under your own brand. Or if you can get 50 people together to go in on them and share the shipping cost to qualify for a minimum trial order.

Seems like a major PITA to me but hey, they're unlocked out of the gate.

Check this one out for example. The good thing about doing this is, you're working directly with the manufacturer and have all the control over the software on the device that you desire.

Comment The *only* problem? (Score 1) 298

"The only problem may be that the sauce may come out a little too easily on to their food."

That, and the trace amounts of the slippery stuff coming off the inside of the bottle and coming out with the sauce too. And twenty years later we find out it's more toxic than BPA.

But, hey! We got the last drop of ketchup!

Comment Pong (Score 1) 516

When I was a very young lad about 10 years old, the Commodore Vic-20 came out. I got into computers right around then because of the joy and wonder I saw in making them do whatever I programmed them to do.

10 print "I was here"
20 goto 10

Who didn't do those things when they walked through Sears and saw the empty screens with cursors blinking at them just begging to be tagged?

I enjoyed programming so much, I went to college and got a degree. I always wanted to write my own video games. But here I am in my 40s. It was last year when I found myself in a similar situation as OP.

So I decided it was high time I do what I started out to do all those years ago.

I have installed the Android SDK & NDK. I have gone through the New Boston tutorials. I have picked up a free cross-platform game engine and started designing my own game.

The first thing I did, to avoid the difficulties of designing a game and focus on learning the tools and techniques, was to re-implement a simple game somebody else already designed a long time ago for me: Pong.

It took about 10 hours. You would not believe how stupidly exciting it is for me to be able to say to my friends: "Hey, check this out..." and show them pong followed by an "I made this."

It's rewarding as all hell. And now I'm knee deep in a real game design all of my own making. I don't care if I ever make a dime off of it. I'll release it on Android followed by iOS, then on Windows, Linux, and Macs. All because it's a moral imperative.

Maybe games weren't the thing that got you into programming when you were younger. But I'll tell you what: something made you love programming once. Remember it. And get back to it. Your day job is fine and good. Try to enjoy it but work to live instead of living to work. Make your own time to do what you love.

Comment Re:A fatal flaw in Christianity. (Score 1) 943

But it does. The 6 day creation is irrelevant. But Adam and Eve's sin is paramount. Genesis states that before Adam and Eve sinned, there was no sin in the world.

The basis for the whole Bible is: had they not sinned, they'd still be living in the garden of eden in peace and harmony with God and all the rest of the stuff in the Bible would be moot. Genesis 3 reads like a "because you did this, now all these bad things are going to happen" and it is commonly interpreted to mean there was no death or sin UNTIL Adam & Eve disobeyed. God said if you eat of the tree of knowledge "you will surely die" which is meant to be a warning that you open the world to death.The wages of sin are death. Because of their sin, death entered the world. Before they disobeyed God, there was no death. There was no sin.

So there was no need for any of the rest of the Bible. And certainly there was no need for Jesus to die on the cross and be resurrected to save the world from sin...because there would be no sin in the world.

Adam and Eve screwed everything up for the rest of us for the rest of time and Jesus had to come to fix it. THAT is the point of the Bible.

So, while the 6 day creation story is not necessary, the events in the garden of eden with Adam and Eve are necessary to the foundation of Christianity. If they never really existed and those stories are just metaphors, the whole thing falls apart.

Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.

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